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Crowds were gathered in front of his class, even in between classes of other subjects that were about to start, only to see him. Chunhua was on her way to class, and saw him from afar, students congratulating and fangirling over him. She took the same path as her classmates, a book in her hands, taking a deep breath before looking back in front of her. He was busy talking to other students and a conversation wouldn't end by the way she see it. "Congrats on winning the competition." Yangyang turned towards the voice owner that patted him, giving a smile before she passed by.

He could only reply a thank you, smiling back to see her figure walking away normally- as if it didn't happened. but the reaction from the crowd that surrounded him was more surprised, as if they were connected somehow, just short and simple words to communicate. As if they thought they confirmed it, they have a relationship that they hid when they were more of strangers than best friends. Not questions of things they didn't know now but the scene they just saw in front of their eyes. Their smiley faces, the signals thingy. Little did they know, there was something that occurred in between.


Yangyang looked up, walking up the last staircase. It gets darker until he reached the top and opened the unlocked door to the rooftop. The view was a view he never get to see of, in a wide angle he never watched. It was mesmerizing.

A figure of a familiar girl who just stood up turned to see him, barely making eye contact. She fiddled with her fingers after she kept her phone in her pocket, to walk towards the door but there's him blocking the way. He understood that look, a sign that she had to leave and acted like he did nothing, "It's alright, i was just checking."

A plain lie, he wanted to walk around and enjoy the view for a moment but if there were students seeing him catching up to meet her in a private place such this, makes sense so he had to hurry back inside. It's his first time going up here an he didn't know students goes here too, didn't expect of a student like her, who he always sees.

【 NEO HIGH POST 】 ~Today's highlight.

「 image attached 」

[ HOT ]                             
Wow, outside of school. No words. Is SHE
cheating on HIM?                        


stop making that guy the bad guy when you 
dont even know him                          

chunhuas supporting role:                    
she have her own life, you guys go get one  

    Told YOU ALLS HE ONLY LOVES ME                 

slipping into the green grass:              
     Tea? Spilled.                                  

^31 replies                               
positive for yangyang:                
Lives? Saved.                        

date me // yangyang ft. jaemin [completed√ ]Where stories live. Discover now