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【 NEO HIGH POST 】 ~added to Highlight

The girl Yangyang's dating;
I just got her profile , and she looks so rude in real life! but that doesnt matter , she's the type of person who's really friendly once you get to know her!

(No image provided)
Name : Feng Chunhua
Class : 2-4

"Yah are you sure its her?" A girl nudged her friend, looking at her phone then back at the figure a few metres away from them. "I remember her sneakers. It is her." Her friend responded, thinking back of how it looked.

"There's no picture of her.. the hell?" The first one said, showing her phone to her other friends with an annoyed look, stepping backwards as she put her hand on her hip. Her friend pulled her by the arm, noticing a senior passing by, the talking friend almost hit the senior. "Watch your back, there's a person behind you."

Two pair of eyes widened after bowing at the senior, she walked them by with a serious and cold expression. It considered as rude but who cares, the younger ones should be the one who respect the elders.

Her friend turned towards the girl, a face of a surprised person who were as pale as a ghost. Her eye landed to the name tag. "That was eye to eye picture. That's her." The girl thought her friend was just over reacting but another one spoke.

"Wow. That was lucky. As if a celebrity popped up in front of us because we talked about her."

Now, rumors spread like gossips in magazines, it was crazier than before. People even found her personal informations to be talked about, at how an average girl like her be with their so called oppars. Her privacy and useless small things people dont even mind about now people know about it. Sometimes it was uncomfortable to have people around her just saying the same thing, misunderstandings and those eyes that were meant to dart at her whilst Yangyang were stared like he always do.

Chunhua arrived at the library for the gathering to continue their project they made the day before. Since the subject were twice a week, they have to get it done as soon as possible and they only have one week left. Day 2, they counted. The project was quite simple, she only copy the notes and helped designing it as there were a lot of other team members.

A group of people on the table in the corner looked at each other, talking while waiting for others to arrive. "I, seriously just knew our team mate, that Chunhua is the girl Yangyang's dating. They got her profile up in school's website. She's so- wow."

"That made me wonder how they got it, hmm.." a friend responded, thinking deeper into the topic they were talking about. "They're dating? Was it that long? How come i havent knew this?" One pouted, her elbow was on her books, hand supporting her head.

"Its on the website." The person shrugged.

Moments later, soft footsteps were heard. They separated and got into their own seats as soon as they saw Chunhua, some scoffing right then look away. As the leader and a good role model, Yangyang always help the teachers at school even in his breaktime. He was a little late because of helping the teachers to call some students and take care or some papers. He soon came right after her, with some papers in his hands.

He put it on the table and asked for cooperation to get it done early. To have it nice, neat and clean. Chunhua was confused much, scratching her head several times with Yangyang noticing it. Even from the day Chunhua started learning the subject, she wont get it right, she wont understand cause she doesn't have the motivation nor inspiration to study hard, to gather these informations in her head and stuff it without understanding it.

Yangyang came by next to her, looking at her works then at her. Her notes were scribbled- as it wasnt a note, pens were everywhere and a bunch of extra books for her to find other informations.

Yangyang is such a gentle-man. He's careful of things, little things but when it was about a made up rumor, he can't help but to accept the lie. The lie people around believed in, where they put faith and support, sincerity to accept the fact that the famous yet humble and incredibly clever, good looking man who doesn't have love interest other than in studies is hiding his relationship status. He just accept it in silence though it sometimes hurt to be single.

He's really attractive this time, she would steal a few glances at him when he discussed things and focusing on the work with others, especially in that shiny round glasses. She continued her work, to talk with others and not to lose focus until he came up, asking if she was fine being the assistant.

"You're okay?" Yangyang had his eyes on her as he helped clearing the table, stacking some books together in one place to create a space so that it would be easier to put the more-important-things on it.

Instead of nodding, she tilted her head with the pen in her hand tapping on her chin and looked at the papers in front of her. Yangyang moved closer, making other team members looking straight at them and give them space, just a little privacy with people looking at them.

It was in the library, a really quiet place yet they chose the place to finish their project was illogic. People could only look at how their mouths moved (A/N oi dont think dirty la, theyre talkiNG), his voice was low- barely audible and how at they noticed he's there so close to her, just to explain at her how to continue the work.

Yangyang showed his notes at her, herself finally focused- but at him and at his notes. "There are highlighted points. In this topic, i've made my own notes and you can just write it back down on the manilla card."

Even if theyre in the 21st century where technology do its things, their teacher, Miss Tian didnt let them use computers or any other technology to do the research so in order to finish it, they only need the genius and thanks to god, he gave them Yangyang as the leader.

Others would notice them talking, the view theyre seeing and picture it in their heads. Couples would melt to see this, fangirls would crazy to react to this but they cant do a thing- if they would put up another article about this, that would be super rude and foolish as hell. Taking pictures right in front of them? Who are they kidding, that aint secretive at all. Way too obvious.

"I, better take this picture." A team member whispered to the friend beside her, planning already to post it on the website. Students get to post too but because of the rumors spread on the website, basically, all website visitors aka school-related-people get to see it.

On the other side, lunchtime was almost over, and so is the time of getting the project due to her. Miss Tian smiled at how the groups were beautifully made, written on her book. She informed in the middle of their work, calling all the leaders and assistants of the group to come up and collect another additional questions to insert in their projects as the last touch.

The both of them were the first ones to come to her office as group partners and Ms Tian cant help but to smile at the both of them, proud than ever.

"Chunhua and Yangyang, beautiful name of beautiful partners.  Congrats on the relationship~" She wiggled her eyebrows as she pass them a paper. She continued, "A match made in heaven, i love it."

Her smile was as wide as Taeyong's shoulder (A/N dAmn im soRrY) making their jaw dropped. Chunhua had a confused look on, she ask, wanting to know if she heard it right "Huh?"

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