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Chunhua scrolled down her phone screen of the school's website as she dries her hair after a refreshing shower, checking on the same post she visited these past few days. The post where most comments were about her. She tapped on the same thing she always does, the posts- suddenly left a blank white screen reflecting back to her face.

She refreshed again and again, written on it was;

This post is unavailable. User has deleted post.

Her eyes widen and stomach feeling like it was setting up fireworks. She was really happy but it reminded the 'seen' message she sent to the guy who posted it. Maybe he changed his mind, she thought. There was no other feeling to express herself other than relief. She didn't know why she risked it herself when it spread around, but then getting herself ready to face the challenging day for tomorrow.


Another day on lunchtime, the only time students can relax freely, chat, eat and just waste time with other students than in their class. Chunhua was just telling Da eun that kind of feeling she have when she knew the post was taken down as she said. Didn't actually know why she felt like that but thinking that Yangyang has found out, and even said it obviously in front of her, the scene flashed in front of her eyes in a matter of second.

Beads of sweat slowly formed on her forehead and palm, her hand were barely grasping her phone so tightly. He didn't knew back then but things will do spread so he just knew. He found out that she knew when she didn't mention it- hiding it because himself didnt have any clue. The look on herself was almost the same as before, naturally becomes like that. Half dead of hope.

"I'm sorry, i admit it, i said it but I didn't mean it." She clenched her jaw, teeth nervously gritting  before leaving him like that.

She walked away because the loss of words, the mixed feelings she had, the kind of indecisive disorder she have, only to choose run away from problems. This problem was just getting started and she haven't tried to get rid of it clean. Her name, his reputation, her story about relationships, his interest in love, out of all honesty, she never thought of being in a relationship and remained not to bother about things unless it happens.

She's the kind of person who also doesn't think of what might happen and didn't do plans. Just wanted it to turn out natural, no clichés.

Hearing Da eun yell in her ears snapped her back into reality. She didn't even listen to Da eun's words but she was now pointing at her phone, "You don't believe it? Check the school's latest hot post."

【 NEO HIGH POST 】 ~Today's highlight.

「 image attached 」

[ #1 HOT ]                             
Get yourself a man like Yangyang       
                   >posted 23 hours ago

Shit this just makes me love him more   

a man like him in this century doesnt  
exist anymore                          

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