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DISCLAIMER: You might get insecure or triggered because there will be mentions of overprotective parents in this one-shot. I just don't want to see comments like: "My parents are NOT that overprotective." or whatnot. But if you feel the same about me living with those types of parents (I'm not saying I hate them. I'm aware that it's for my own good or your own good), then feel free to comment your thoughts about this chapter. Thank you so much and enjoy :).



The raindrops tickled my skin as I trudged against the rough ground. For some reason, I forgot my umbrella at home so to my disappointment, I stayed under a shed away from school. Apparently, my friends decided to visit the mall but I didn't allow myself because I and my family have a family bonding later since it's Friday. Still, Millie, Sadie, and Sophia pretty much understand because they also know what my parents would think if I go with them.

"Need any help?" I flinched at the familiar voice I heard. I was about to text my mom but then Finn showed up. "Uhm. Yeah but I guess you don't need to—"

"I can drop you off if you like."

Well, if I text my mom, I'll have to wait for her before the storm comes. Though if I go with Finn, then I'll be home soon.

"Is it okay with you? Maybe you have a lot of things to do."

He chuckled, "It's fine. Besides, it's Friday, and I insisted."

"Oh okay. Thanks." I smiled, scuffing under his umbrella. We stayed there for a moment of awkward silence until he spoke too soon.

"Is it (name of your street)?" I cocked an eyebrow before nodding, "How did you know?"

"I saw you walking back home a week ago." I blinked.

"But hey, I'm not a creepy-ass stalker!" he surrendered his hands and laughed along with me.

Finn is my seatmate in most subject classes and he's always not like any other males I encountered. He's shy and quiet at all times but if you get along with him, he's loud like me (in a group of friends). We're close friends but not really best friends but I guess we're getting there.

One thing that made me soft whenever I'm with him is the nickname he usually calls me. Millie and the rest of my friends call me (your nickname) and he does the same as well. Truth be told, it's fluttering when a male calls you by your name or by your nickname.

I honestly don't have a crush on him or probably he, himself, having a crush on me. I mean, I never experienced someone confessing to me—could be a girl or a boy—and I sometimes overthink and analyze things too much. Maybe I'm ugly? I'll ask myself the same question over and over again knowing that my best friends already experienced having a boyfriend.

Hey, it's not like I really want a boyfriend. I mean, my parents don't allow me, and I'm pretty sure I want to finish my studies first. Sometimes, I want someone out there to fill my heart with love and it's just inadequate if it's from the same people (friends and family).

"So, you're not with Iris?" he scrunched his forehead as we wait for the red light to turn green.

"We're not together. We're just friends," he laughed, "Don't act like a cupid or a matchmaker. It's not like you'll support every single couple on the campus every time they're together."

I laid my hand over my chest, pretending I was hurt from the use of his words. "Ouch."

He chuckled. "Okay, I'm sorry." I pouted, laughing awkwardly.

"It's okay. Besides, I'm looking at this girl I assume you know well."

We walked towards the wet pedestrian lane as soon as the light turned green. We paused at the platform first and smiled.

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