The End

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Hi guys! I know this is a disappointing author's note because I couldn't promise you more of my one-shots. I have to end everything here, sadly because I've been busy with school shits and stuff. I'm on my last grading period and I guess my graduation is already soon. Senior high is already ahead and I should plan on working something serious or you know, stuff like that. And also, I have entered a new fandom so I couldn't update this book anymore. Though, I still stan Finn but not as much as the idols. So yeah. I apologize for the crazy hiatus. I'm truly sorry for what had happened especially because (maybe) you expected I'll update.

Anyways, thank you for supporting my book. Your comments always made my day! Thank you for riding this crazy rollercoaster with me. I hope you truly loved my works even though they're somehow cliché, eccentric, kinky, or whatsoever (haha). I've never been so confident with my writing, honestly. I hope you understand.

By the way, I wouldn't be leaving Wattpad just because of the said reasons. I'll continue writing but the concept will be really different.

I have to end this here. Thank you once again!


- capuzzino

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