chapter one

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my therapist told me to write this story to help deal with my past. thank you so much for reading it means a lot i hope you enjoy :)

i will post a new chapter every day

Cas and Dean had been best friends for as long as they could remember. Since they were next door neighbors, they did everything together. In fact, the were practically inseparable.

The only reason Cas tried out for the football team, was he couldn't stand to be alone while Dean was away at practice. And Dean enrolled in art class just so he could watch Cas paint for hours.

In the sixteen years they'd known each other, they'd never fought once. They knew each other better than anyone else. It was almost unnatural the way they got along. But everything would begin to change their junior year of high school.


Cas heard the loud roar of the Impala pulling into the driveway. "Dean's here, bye mom!" he yelled as he walked out the front door. As soon as he jumped in the car, Dean began to laugh. "Really? You're wearing that sweater on the first day of school?"

Cas looked down at his bright yellow sweater. "What? What's wrong with it?" Dean smiled at his idiot best friend. "Oh, Cas. Nothing at all. You ready for junior year?" Cas stomach turned at the question. He knew this was the year they'd have to start looking at colleges. And that meant one year closer to him and Dean going their separate ways.

"I guess so. Maybe we'll actually win a football game this year."

"Oh good one, Cas. I think it'll be a good year, though. I mean, I've got you by my side right? What could go wrong?"

"You've got that right, bud." The boys pulled into their usual spot in the school parking lot. "Alright, let's do this." The boys did their iconic handshake that they'd made up when they were kids and got out of the car.

"I can't believe we have first period together!" The two boys walked into their first period and sat right next to each other. They heard a voice coming from behind them. "Oh, no. Did you guys sell your soul to be put in this class together?" The voice was their friend, Gabriel, who was also on the football team.

"Hey, Gabe! And I know right? What are the chances?" Everyone was aware that Dean and Cas were best friends. They always received the "cutest best friends" award in the yearbook and were even jokingly teased about being a couple once or twice.

The class became silent as the teacher walked in. "Hello class, I have arranged a seating chart for you." The class groaned. "Dean you're up front here next to Benny." Benny was the quarterback on the football team, and practically the coolest kind in school. Cas felt a sick feeling in his stomach when he heard Dean would be sitting next to him.

"Cas you're in the back." Dean turned around in his seat and frowned at Cas, who was all the way in the back corner. "I'll miss you," he mouthed back.

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