Chapter 9: O'MY!

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"...and Chaeyeon-," Coach Youngjoon turned his face toward Chaeyeon, who put her head tilted downward,

"'s not your fault. Never forget, softball is a team play. I know that you feel your performance today affected your other teammates, but don't be too burdened like you carry all the responsibilities to win on your back... We're a team. We share it together."

Coach Youngjoon patted Chaeyeon's shoulder.

"...Take a rest for a day. And by rest I mean really a rest. Rest your mind from softball. Have some fun, forget all your training. And when your mood's better, you'll realize that our lost today is a good way to analyze our weakness and to strengthen it."

Chaeyeon just nodded without saying anything.

"...and Chaeyeon... about the offer... Do you take it?"

Chaeyeon stood in silence for seconds then shook her head.

"...No, Sir."

"Why? Your parents don't approve?"

Chaeyeon shook her head again.

"...No, Sir. They're supportive. It's just... maybe I'm not ready to leave everything behind, Sir. I just want to think about the tournament for the moment..."

Coach Youngjoon exhaled deeply.

"We had this talk before. I know that it's a hard decision to leave your family and friends away, but you have to think about your future, Chaeyeon. Especially if you already got support from those you love. Have you talked with Principal Seunggi about this?"

Chaeyeon nodded.

"...Yes, Sir. He said that I still have a chance if I change my mind until the end of the semester."

"I see. Well, I hope you can prioritize what's important first. Winning the tournament is important, but thinking about your future is more important. I don't want you in the future to regret missing this opportunity."

Chaeyeon nodded again.

"Well, see you on monday then. Don't forget to eat a good food and take a good rest. Thank you for the hard work today."

"...Thank you, Sir. Thank you for the hard work today." She bowed to her coach.

Softball is a team play, Chaeyeon knew that. The big lost from JYP proves that there are a lot of lines that still need to be fixed on their team. But still, she couldn't help but thinking that the lost is solely her fault. Had she performed even as little as her training all this time... But what happened was what she always feared. The break up with Sakura really leaves a deep impact on her psyche. It's not helping that she said 'no' to the offers from national camp. Can she save her relationship? She's not sure. Maybe if she brings the champion trophy as she has promised Sakura... But now, even to win the friendly match before the tournament begin was an impossible mission...

Chaeyeon walked to the ramen shop that she and the gang usually visited. She really had no appetite for food right now, but her body needs a replacement energy from the match. She sit on the spot they usually picked. A waiter approached her to take a note of her order.

"Are you ready with your order, Miss?"

What was it that Sakura usually ordered?

"...One tonkotsu ramen, please."

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