My one and only...Zayn (1D Fan fiction)

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“Psst...Psst” my best friend Ann whispered to me in class.

“What?” I whispered back to Ann who sitting beside me. We are not supposed to talk during class and now I secretly check my phone. It from him and I need to reply to this.

“What are you doing?” she whispered back.

“Nothing.” I type back ‘in class now’ as quickly as I can and then pressed send.

“I saw your phone.” She whispers next to my ear.

“I tell you later after class.” The teacher glance at us and I hide my phone in time and looking at the book in front of me. I can see Ann doing the same thing staring at the book too. Then the teacher looks back at the whiteboard and we can take our breath.

The bell ring and Ann don’t leave me alone. She stick with me anywhere I go to. “Ann what are you doing?”

“You said you told me after class. Now class is over. Why you always check your phone? I notice you, not only in this class the others also. You already got a boyfriend. Is this a secret admire or a scandal?” Ann tries to provoke me.

“It’s nothing like that he just a friend.” I replied and walk out of school.

“If he just a friend you will not be this anxious. Like right now you seem can’t wait to be home. I’m your best friend for goodness sake Mia tells me please, I swear I will not tell anyone. By the way is Sean knows about it?”

“No, not yet. I will tell him one day. I feel I’m not ready yet. I also don’t know if I want to stay with him. I give you a clue that my friend he is one of the coolest guys I know and I can’t believe we are friend.”

“Is that all? No more details. Please Mia. I promise I will not tell Sean anything. Why you say that you don’t want to stay with him? I thought that he was your first love and all.”

“Yes he is but now after 6 month I be his girl I feel he don’t treat me good. Remember that day that he so pissed off and almost hit me. That time I want to break up with him and he apologizes and I give him another chance. I scared of him sometime especially when he got mad at something and he always got angry over little things too.”

“I’m so sorry Mia. Yeah I still remember that event. But he looks so nice now. People will change don’t they?”

“I hope so but I keep in my mind if he tries to hurt me I will break up with him for real.”

We walk home together. Her house was not so far from mine. She stops and say goodbye to me when we reach my house. “Where are you going young lady?” I asked her.

“Home.” She just said and going to leave.

“Well you want to know or not?” I look at her and see her face become enlighten and smile over her face.

“You are going to tell me? For sure, really?”

“Yup come with me.”

We walking to the front porch and get in. I stay with my mom. My dad died when I was small. My mom doesn’t tell me much about him. Ann and I are friend since we’re 10 years old. She always at my place or I am at her place. She got another sister older than her and now her sister already married and stay with her husband only come back once a while. Once inside we rush to my room. I quickly open my laptop and check my twitter and face book account.

“Are you ready?”I look at her and now the time I reveal to her who is my special friend. I don’t know if she can take it. I have been hiding about him for months. I don’t know how to tell her about him and I worried she cannot accept it.

My one and only...Zayn (1D Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now