going to see him

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“Hey there beautiful”

“Hi Zayn”

“How are you today? I can see that you been smiling a lot. Is it something happen today?”

“Well yeah. I got the tickets to the concert that I really wanted to go. Guess what front row and special backstage passes.”

“Wow that great.”

“Thanks so much Zayn. You know it mean a lot to me.”

“Yes I know that why I gave you. You are going to have a superb time there.”

“Zayn, should I wait for you at the airport or something? How I’m going to see you?”

“Didn’t you read the message carefully I write there I’m coming over. That mean you just stay put and I’m coming to see you.”

“How can you going to find me then?”

“By satellite?”


“Yup. I mean by internet. I got your number and google it and I can find out where you go. Since that accident you have with Sean I’m worry about you so much. I don’t want anything bad happen again.”

“Oh Zayn, I’m so sorry if I make you worried a lot about me. I can take care myself. Well I just a friend to you.”

“A special one that I really care, I happy and I feel so lucky to have you.”

“I can’t wait to see you.”

“Me too. I already plan everything. I can’t wait also.”

“you already plan something?”

“ops it suppose to be a surprise. Just wait for it. Ok. Goodnight Mia.”

“goodnight Zayn.” I feel so excited and so happy that he coming to see me and he already got a plan. I wonder what it is? Now he make me so excited that I can’t sleep now. So happy. I spent time watch a movie then the next movie until I fall asleep on the couch.


In the class my phone vibrates again. I slowly take it out and read the message. Ann just stares at me. Now she knows the secret and she help cover me from the teachers. It’s been one week. He should be arrived anytime soon. He don’t let me to wait for him at the airport so I just continue my boring school life.

I wait for you outside. I got some surprise for you. See you soon.”

I just smile and reply back ‘see you soon’. Then I keep my phone in my pocket and can’t wait for the bell to ring.

When the bell ring I like running out from the class and I see Ann follows me. “What he writes?”

“He waiting for me outside, now”

“What? Really? I’m so excited. You don’t have time to change now my dear. Why he coming now? If later then I can make you wearing something nicer.”

“It doesn’t matter now Ann. He always sees how I dress every day. He my friend and I guess he doesn’t mind.”

“he not any others friend. This guy is Zayn. Well good luck to you. I will see you later after you settle with him.”

“Thanks Ann. See you.”

“don’t forget to explain to me later.”

I rushing outside and then I forget to ask him where exactly he waits for me. Then as I step over the school gate he calls me and asks me to go to the black SUV not so far from the gate. I feel nervous now. Very nervous. My heart beats faster and I feel my hands shaken a bit. This is the moment I’m going to meet him personally and live. I can’t believe the moment come. I’ve been wishing that this moment to come one day and today my wish come true. I walk to the side and the door open and I climb inside. There he is sitting there and wait for me.

“Hey there beautiful.” Say Zayn smiling at me.

My one and only...Zayn (1D Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now