bad news

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I can’t believe this. Why Sean did this to her? Just because she doesn’t love her back and she with me now he want to hurt her. I’m so far away on tour I can’t be with her. Yesterday was our last tour and today we just arrive at her town.  I already planning to visit her and give her a surprise. The boys come with me and they want to spend time together. Perfect timing. Then I can go to rescue her.

“Are you ok mate?” ask Louis.

“Louis I need to talk to you. Can you call all the boys?”

He went out and come with the others lads. They start to settle in my room.

“I got a very bad news guys. Mia been kidnapped.”

“What? Who did this?” asked Liam.

“When? How is she?” asked Niall.

“I just call Mia just now and s….”

“It Sean is it?” asked harry. I just nodded. “That crazy guy.” Shouted harry.

“Calm down mate. Let hear Zayn.” Say Louis.

“I called Mia because usually she will call me before she sleep. She not calls me I feel something weird like that day when we go back to the school. Then I hear Sean voice  and he asked me to go there alone if I want to save her and exchange her place meaning he let her go and he have me instead. I want to save her but I can’t bring you guys along.”

“No you can’t go there.” Say Liam

“It dangerous. And what if something bad happens to you Zayn.” Say Louis.

“I don’t care all that all I care that she is safe and sound.”

“You got point there.” Say harry.

“Thanks harry. Well I am planning to rescue her.”

‘Let do the rescue mission.’ Say Niall.

We all talk about the planning what should I do and how to save to her. Liam not feels comfortable about it. He worried about many things. What if these crazy psychos do something to each of us and so on? I feel hurt when we can’t find the solution. Only harry with me all this time. I said goodnight to them. I will plan it on my own now. I can’t let something bad happen to Mia. I love her so much. She the reason that I be happy and face the world with smile. She is my world now. She more important to me now. She is everything to me.

That night Harry and I try to get out rescuing her. We have to do it fast. We haven’t had a clue how to save her. Neither I nor the boys know how to really fight. I can punch people what if he very good at it then screw me. Harry came to my room. We quietly go to the door. I assume everyone was sleeping. After we open the door and went out we bump into Paul. We dead before us even start the rescue mission.

“Where you guys think you going?”

“Well I’m hungry and Zayn here want to get a drink.” Say Harry.

“We got a lot food at the kitchen and drink also.” Say Paul.

“We can’t sleep at all cant we have some fun?”I ask.

“Stop it guys I know the truth. You try to save your girl Zayn and harry here want to help you?”

“How do you know?” I ask. Then we both say together. “Liam.”

“Yes he told me because he worried about you both. He worries about Mia also but we have to leave it to the police. I already make a report we just have to wait.”

“Well I can’t just sit here and wait for it? What is anything bad happen to her? He don’t want the police to get involved I can’t even bring all the guys he already warning me. I don’t want he do something foolish to her.”

“I know but we can’t just go there and if he already waiting for you and do anything to you? How was it? You are the famous celebrity now. I can’t just let you do something foolish.” Say Paul.

We both go back inside. There nothing we can do between Paul and our security. “I’m so sorry Zayn. At least we tried.” Say Harry.

“Yeah. No worries. At least we try. Night harry.” So I went to my room.

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