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After the funeral I just keep myself shut. I lost without her. I don’t care about the baby. My mom come to stay she and Karen take turn to look after the baby. I don’t know what to do with her. I so lost and sad that I lost her just like that.

The boys try to cheer me up. I don’t move. I stay lock in our rooms. I look at her stuff. I touch her clothes and smell it. I spray her perfume just to remind me of her smell. I miss her so much. It just one week how am I to survive this? Without her? I have to get back to my life. The new album and the tour? It so hard for me. Suddenly I found her diary. Should I read it? Should I not? She is gone now I think that I should read it.

Slowly I open the book. I don’t read every pages I just see the date and read from there. I see my name and I started to reads.

Zayn Malik one of the member of One Direction the biggest boyband that I had a crush on. I know that I cant have him but it never stop me from wishing sometime wish do come I wish that was me. I love that song so much.

I turn to another page.

I just add him in my face book. Zayn Malik I never thought  he will add me back. Im so happy no words to describe it.he really made my day today.

I turn to the next page.

We became friend in face book and every day we chat. I cant believe that I chat with Zayn. I never told Ann yet about him she must be blaming me for hiding this. Well I take my time slowly.

I smile and remember how we become friends and I have a feeling for her. I skipped all the part that have Sean name in it. It make me angry. I continue to reads.

Zayn is coming over to see me. I cant believe it. This is happening. I think im going to die.

When I see the words die I feel tears in my eyes. She so over me but when I meet her she so cool and fine not like screaming non stop. She just nervous.

The first time meet with zayn and he ask me to be his girl. My wish come true. Im the happiest girl in the world.he really make my day. Hate about the part that try so many dreses just for our date and at last we got one dress. I hate him. Cant he just make a fast decision? Choose like a girl. It was worth it so it beautiful dress. Our first kiss.nice. I love to listen to his voice. Make my heart melt inside.

I skip the kidnapped part. It so sad. Don’t want to read it. I turn others pages and it’s the prom.

He love me so much that he sent me the most beautiful dress ever for me to wear at prom and he performs live. Nothing to ask for my prom was brilliant and fun. I love him so much.most all the students now good with me because of me One Direction perform at our school.

The best prom gift ever. He bring me to paris. Cant believe my mom was in it. I had the most memorable time there. The best part is he proposed to me on top of Eiffel tower. I feel like a princess. My life was beautiful cant ask anymore.

I miss him so much. He busy with his tour. Im pregnant with his child. I stay at home with my mom a lot. He worry about me and don’t let me do many things.

I miss her too. I miss few doctor visits. Lucky her mom was there all the time when im not there.

Just few more months to go.zayn come back for a while. I miss him so much. We did a bit shopping for our baby girl. I scared waiting for the due date. I worry what will happen? I pray she will be ok and beautiful like his dad. I have a great time carry her in my stomach.

I turn the pages and I guess that the last one she wrote before she died. I about to close the book then I saw something. Like a letter fold neatly. I opened it and I saw our pictures together from our first date. I read the letter.

Dear my hubby,

First of all if you read this its mean that I was no longer in this world. Don’t cry for me love. I write this letter because I scared that I will not survive when I give birth to our baby girl. I read it somewhere that not all survived especially when there problem.i scared. I happy that I can bring new life to this world. I still pray that everything is ok.

I want you to know that knowing you have change my life a lot. You bring me happiness and I forget all my loneliness and sadness. You brighten up my day and I the most lucky girl in this world because I was your wife. It a every girl dreams to be mrs malik.

Thanks so much to accept me and willing to care for me throughout our life as husband and wife. There no words to describe how much you mean to me. From a girl crush I falling for you and the way you love me I was blessed for this short time we together.

I love you so much Zayn. You are my love and my everything I ever want.

p.s: I know it hard for you to find someone to replace me when I gone but I give you permission to go on with your life and dont blame yourself for what is happens. You always in my heart forever.

Love always,

Your wife

I reads it over and over again. I know she had a hard time written this. I can see that she cry on to the paper. Maybe she knows that she will go soon. She must be written this when im on a tour. I keep it nicely in the diary. I put the diary to its place. I look around the room.

Everywhere I see I can see her dance in the room and smile when I caught her dance and sing secretly. This room where she grow up and there a lot of memories around it. Anywhere I go in the house I can see her smile back at me. We cook together. While she study and I company her until her final exam. I be at her graduation. I make surprise for her prom. I ask the boys to perform at her school during our break from tour.

I wasn’t thinking long I want to die with her. I went to open the window and climb outside. Maybe if I jump and die I can see her and be with her. I slowly climb to the roof. to very the top of it. Then I hear someone shout. My sisters.

‘Zayn come down.’

‘Zayn please. We love you. This is not the way.’

The boys all come out and my mom carried the baby. I look at her. ‘She already lost her mom don’t make it harder for her. She needs you as her dad.’ Say my mom.

I feel arms hold me and I can see Paul was hold me close. He wraps his big arms around me and I hug him and cry.

‘I want to be with her. It was so difficult without her. Please Paul. Help me.’

‘We all will help you Zayn. You can’t keep yourself lock inside. We all are here for you. Look at your baby Zania she needs you more than anything in. It not the end for you, my child.

I feel others arm hold. I guess it the boys. Slowly they bring me inside. I’m feeling so exhausted. I haven’t really eaten and I barely sleep. I feel Paul hands carry me to beds. It smells of her. This bed. I hold the duvet close to me and dream of her.

My one and only...Zayn (1D Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now