Asia Argento

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Issei rushed over and helped the girl. "Are you okay?" 

"Oh, yes. Thank you." The girl says appreciatively. 

Issei helps gather the things in her suitcase as Kyo and Charn watch. Kyo smirks. ~Guess bro has a crush on little blonde.~

"I'm Issei by the way, Issei Hyoudou. And that's my brother Kyo and his wolf Charn." 

The girl nods. "I'm Asia. Asia Argento. It's nice to meet you." 

Kyo notices her handkerchief and gives it to her. "Here you go." 

"Oh, thank you. Listen, um, would it be too much trouble to ask if you could show me where the church is in town?" Asia asks nervously. 

Issei rapidly nods. "Sure! We'd love to!" 

"Uh, 'we'?" Kyo questions. 

Ignoring his brother, Issei then leads Asia down the street. Kyo looks down at Charn with a confused look before sighing and following them. 

Once they reached the top of hill, the church was then in plain sight across the road. Kyo then feels a weird jolt in his hands gasps. He takes a deep breath and composes himself. ~Man, what was that about?~ 

"Thank you for your help." Asia thanks. 

Issei nods. "Sure, I'm always glad to help." 

Kyo just scoffs at his brother's comment. As Asia leaves for the church, the boy's then head back having been summoned by Rias. 

"What's up?" Issei asks. 

"The both of you must never go near the church." Rias orders. 

Kyo cocks a brow. "How come?" 

"For devils like us, the church is enemy territory." Rias explains. "Taking one step inside causes problems for both angels and devils. Surely you must've sensed something telling you to be careful." 

Kyo then looks at his hands. "So that's what that sudden pain was in my hands." 

Rias leans against the railing and crosses her arms. "Being with someone from the church is a very risky proposition. Also, some of the excorsists affiliated with the church possess sacred gears as well. They could hurt you both." 

Issei looks down in shame as Kyo pats his back. "Remember, if a devil ever receives a devil purge they become completely erased from existence. They'll feel absolutely nothing. You can never come back from that. Do you understand?" 

"We gotcha." Kyo nods. 

Rias sighs and pinches her nose. "I'm sorry. I've just been too worked up. I only want you to be careful. Okay?" 

Kyo then approaches her and pulls her in for a hug. Rias was startled at first but then wraps her arms around him. 

"I'm sorry. We won't do it again. And if you need help to relieve some of the stress, don't hesitate to ask me." Kyo states. "I'm your servant. It's my job to help you right?" 

Rias parts from the hug and walks off, abruptly. Kyo just stood there confused. 

"What was that about?" Issei asks. 

Kyo looks at him and shrugs. 


Kyo was inside the ORC living room. He had his guitar out and played something to pass the time. 

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