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Asia was finished packing her bag and looks at Issei. "Okey-dokey, I'm all set." She, Issei, Rias, and Kyo were in the ORC club room. 

Issei stands. "Asia and I are gonna go hand out some flyers." 

Kyo kicks up his feet and pets Charn. "Just try not get into any more 'angelic' trouble." 

"Dude, come on." Issei groans. 

Rias raises her hand. "Hold on. I think you'll be glad to know your flyers days are over." 

"They are?" Kyo questions. 

Rias stands up from her desk. "Relax. It's not a punishment, the three of you have done great work. But normally the hassling of running around and handing out flyers is the job of a familiar." 

"Hell, yeah!" Issei says happily. "So is this sort of like a promotion?" 

Rias nods. "Yeah, I guess you could look at it that way. But first things first, we need to find you three familiars." 


After gathering the rest of ORC, Rias then snaps her fingers and a bat appears. 

"This is my familiar

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"This is my familiar." Rias states. The bat then disappears in a puff of smoke and turns into a girl with a red dress. 

"Wow, she's beautiful

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"Wow, she's beautiful." Kyo compliments. This makes Rias's familiar blush before transforming back into a bat. 

"And I've got one too of course." Akeno adds. A square appears on the ground and a green creature appears. 


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The Black Dragon Emperor of Death (Highschool DxD x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now