More Power?

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Kyo opened his eyes and saw he was back in Erakhan's realm. "Father?" 

"I am here, my son." Kyo turns around and sees the mighty Death Dragon swaying his tail with a smirk on his face. "Sorry for disturbing your slumber, but there is something that I must tell you." 

"Shoot." Kyo says bluntly. 

"You were quite skilled when you fought Riser Phoenix, well done. However, you have only scratched the surface of your power. There are other forms of your Balance Breaker." 

Kyo cocks a brow. "'Other forms'? You mean the Scale Mail I used against Flame Boy isn't my only form?" 

Erakhan nods. "Quite so. Each individual armor possesses and controls a certain power. Your first armor uses, at most, ten percent of the powers of the other Scale Mails combined. But in order to unlock the other armors, your training will have to increase. In and outside my realm through which we speak." 

"What type of armors are they?" Kyo asks. 

"Explosion, Absorption, Combiner, Destruction, Corrosion, and the most terrifying: Demonic Slayer." 

Kyo grins. "I like the sound of that last one." 

Erakhan looks up as the the stormy sky starts to dissipate. "It seems our time is up. But a final warning before you leave, Kyo. The Apocalypse Dragon Twins will be coming." 

Kyo widens his eyes. "Wait, wait, wait. Who?" 


Kyo opens his eyes again and sees he's in his room. He feels something soft press against his back and two arms snake around his stomach. Kyo turns slowly and sees Rias sleeping next to him with a peaceful smile on her face. 

Kyo laughs quietly and pecks her lips before moving her hair out of her face. 

Rias stirs before opening her eyes and looking up at Kyo. "Good morning, Kyo." 

"Morning to you too, beautiful." Kyo says stroking her hair. "Sleep good?" 

Rias sits up and hugs Kyo. "Always with you." She then suddenly pins Kyo to the bed and bites his neck. 

Kyo growls in pleasure but gently pulls her off. "Rias, as tempting as this is, let's do this another time. We got the training, remember?" 

Rias gives him a pouty face before sighing and nodding. 

A knock on the door is then heard. "Kyo? Sweetie, it's time to wake up!" Anaria says. 

Kyo's eyes bulge in worry. "Uh, be out in a sec, Mom!" 

Anaria opens the door and sees the position they were in on the bed. "Oh my! I'm hoping to be a grandmother soon, Kyo. Didn't expect it to be this soon." Anaria giggles. 

Kyo rolls his eyes. "Do you mind?" Anaria giggles again before shutting the door. "(Sigh) That mother of mine. Well, milady, shall we?" 

Rias smiles. "We shall." 


Kyo and Rias walk to school with Kyo's arm around her waist. Rias sighs in bliss as they enter the school. After kissing, they head to separate classrooms. 

Kyo then sees Issei getting practically backed into a corner by Matsuda and Motohama. Kyo rolls his eyes before grabbing their ears and twisting them like a screwdriver to a screw. "Is there a problem?" 

The perverted duo cries in pain. 

Issei gives a sigh of relief. "Thanks, bro. These two were getting on my case about our and Asia's involvement with the club." 

The Black Dragon Emperor of Death (Highschool DxD x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now