Summer Break

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Kyo opens his eyes to see he's in bed but without Rias or Charn. He sits up to see he's in a different kind of bedroom. There were several toys laid on the ground and the wall was painted with stars and various colors of space.

"What the hell?" Kyo gets out of the bed and grabs one of the toys off the ground.

~Kind of looks like

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~Kind of looks like...Charn.~ Kyo puts the toy on the bed and exits the room. He quietly heads down the stairs where he sees Anaria and Erakhan in his human form, both with tears in their eyes.

"Anaria, he's going to come looking for him. We have to hide him." Erakhan speaks.

"We can protect him!" Anaria shouts, standing from the couch.

"Yes, but for how long?!" Erakhan snaps. "It's only a matter of time before he finds Kyo and uses him for God only knows what! We have no choice! We need to hide our son and disappear until he finds us!"

Anaria puts her hands over her eyes and sobs uncontrollably. Erakhan stands and hugs her into his shoulder.

Anaria regains her composure and the says, "Then let me at least give him a guardian. Someone to watch out for him." Anaria extends her hand and a humanoid being appears.

"I live to serve you, Lord Erakhan

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"I live to serve you, Lord Erakhan." The male says.

Erakhan then steps in front of him. "From this point forward you will be my son's guardian. And you will reveal your true self to him when the time is right. I pray that that time never comes, but for now, go. Take the form of an animal of your choosing and hide until my son finds you."

The male nods and teleports through a magic circle.

Erakhan turns to Anaria. "Now, how do we hide him?"

"I guess the only other thing I can think of is, find another family that will be willing to care for him." Anaria says wiping her eyes.

"Indeed, very well." Erakhan and Anaria head up to the room, passing through Kyo as if he were a ghost.

Kyo tries to stop them. "No don't send me there! DON'T SEND HIM THERE! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'LL DO TO HIM!"

Kyo then freezes when he hears that evil and familiar feminine laughter.

The Black Dragon Emperor of Death (Highschool DxD x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now