The beginning 01

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I do not own Poto! Only my OC, Katherina Daniels. Katherina is to the side or up. Just imagine her with bangs. Also its still kind of in editing so if you see a mistake please tell. Thank you for reading my story!

I sighed deeply, my night had not been the best. I twirled my short, curly Dark brown locks in my finger and looked at myself in my mirror seeing my deep brown eyes look back at me. I smiled, doing that caused my brain to be filled with thoughts of my muse, Phantom of the Opera. A shiny light glared in the corner of my eye, I turned to look and caught a glimpse of a shooting star. I smiled and wished. I wish I can care for the man who needs it most. The second I do that, I drop, and faint into darkness.
     I stood up, shocked, I was laying in a fetal position- like how I sleep- on the ground outside of the fricken Opera Populaire.

   "What has happened" I whispered to myself as I desperately try to remember why I- of all people and places- am I here? I was getting faint memorys of a shooting star and fainting.

The only rational thing I could think of was to run away and hide, hide from the change I brought upon myself. But I knew I had no where to go, no where to feed myself. I had no money either, what a shame. So in spite of my everlasting problem I decided I would do a private audition for Madame Giry to be in the ballet. How I would do this I dont know, I'm sure they dont even allow that here. But I need to try or I will be abandoned here.
Fearfully, I walked up the stairs to the Opera house and opened the doors with a big push. I saw the opening area and frowned, I dont know my way around here. I guessed to go right.
    With my stupid luck I made it to the stage. I saw them practicing Hannibal, then this must be the beginning. I had attracted some questioning glances but they payed no mind to me and continued rehersals. With my knowlege of stages I walked up the stairs to the side stage and saw Madame Giry.

     "Madame!" I said with the intention of being louder than the music. She looked over to where I stood and made no face.   
     "Madame is there any chance I can privately audition for a place in the ballet?" I ask, shyly looking down at my feet and fiddling with my fingers.
     "Oh great timing madomoiselle!" She rushed over to me in a hurry. "One of our dancers just dropped out for health reasons, pay no mind to auditions just promise me you are good."
     "Of course Madame, thank you" I say and smile widely.
     "Just watch the dancers and learn it as fast as possible madomoiselle....?" She looked at me for my name.
     "Katherina Daniels, and please do not use madomoiselle with me, it is too formal." I smile again and she returns one back.
    "Not a problem Katherina, you can watch the dance over here next to me If you'd like." She shows with her hand where she was earlier.
     "Alright, thank you once again Madame Giry."
     "Do not bother my dear, I should be thanking you."

-Erik (phantom)-

"My, looks like we have gained another rat." I grumbled seeing a new child near Madame Giry in a dancers costume. I hope she does not interfere with Christine.


I feel eyes on me, weird. Its probably just my imagination. I noticed Carlotta belt out her lines in Hannibal and was forcefully spitting them out at the new owners. I felt a wicked smile coming on when I realized Carlotta wasnt getting the attention she was desperately hoping for.
     The Phantom of opera was inside my head. Litteraly, it is stuck in my head. I guess being here made it be constantly being thought of. Currently, Music of the night was all I could think of until I heard a shrill scream from the one and only Carlotta.
     Moments later I heard, "Because this thing does not happen!" "Bring my doggy and my boxy!" I snickered, that line always cracked me up.

"There is no understudy for La Carlotta!"
"Christine Daae can sing it sir."
"A chorus girl dont be serious."
"She has been well tought"

(Sorry Im going off of memory, I promise they will be more accurate later!)

Christine starts to sing Think of me and I smile, she has such a beautiful voice. She finishes her solo and everyone including me is in awe and clapping. The preformance was later tonight.
     I smiled thinking of all my troubles I have yet to come with and go to the Ballet dormitorys so I could practice. I see the infamous prima donna room and I admit my curiosity got the best of me. I walked in.
     I hummed along to the tune of 'The Pahntom of the opera' and stared at the mirror that could move. What a wonderfull sight, it was amazing to be here. Again my curiosty killed that cat. "But satisfaction brought it back. " I whispered to myself and opened the mirror. I'm sorry Erik, I'm sorry that I am intruding.
It was the first time I thought of home, I thought of my few friends and I who enjoyed Poto. It made me upset, but I did not mind, I was going to help a lovely man feel loved.

"And do I dream again, for now I find The Phantom of the opera is there, inside my mind." I sang, the first time I sang an actual Poto song. It made me miss home even more.
"Sing once again with me, a strange duet" A grin consumed my face, I had always wished to sing Poto with another. "My power over you, grows strong again. And though you turn from me to glance behind. The Phantom of the opera is there inside your mind"
I could tell It was the Phantom, Erik. He liked to sing, ecspecially duets, I brushed off the fact that this song is not for me but I loved it anyways, I did not continue for I knew this song is only for Christine and Erik. Not Erik and another.
I'm guessing that a girls song in the french catacombs not screaming when hearing anothers voice caught him offgaurd because Erik did not speak for a good few seconds.

"What are you doing here?" His voice bounced off the walls all around me, great experiance.
"I apollogize monsuire, I found a passage way and could not help myself from looking inside." I placed my hand on the rocky wall to support myself.
"And you sing?"
"I'm very strange monsuire." I smile at the air around me. "Could you show yourself now?"
"No, leave now or you will face consequences." He replied and I grinned

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