A rose 1 6

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     WARNING!!! There may be a few trigering thoughts for people in the chapter! You have been warned, continue.

     I sighed when I woke up and saw a rose on my table, today must be full of practice. Erik knows I hate, no, strongly dislike practicing for hours on end. I get up from my bed and put the rose delicately into the vase. I strap on my dance shoes and look in the mirror longingly, these days are fun deffinately but its tiring to have such a hard routine every day. I hope the end will all happen soon. Its hard to hope of such a difficult event but I just sadly slightly want it. I got dressed and left to the practice room.
     Practice went by slowly, yet quick. We learned a lot. I guess the pressure is now on to get this show done and fast. They told us the show will be this weekend, great, two more days full of practice. Thats okay I guess, I'm quite homesick but, I know I'll be okay for now. At least I'll see Erik everyday until then. He's really the highlight of my days now. Maybe... Maybe I'll ask him to reveal his face today. That would be nice. I gasped, I didnt ask Erik about the eifel tower like I planned to long ago. I guess I just forgot. I said hi to Meg and many others when I made my way back to my room.
     When I got back I put on my cloak and smiled into my mirror, be nice and cheery, he needs you. I strutted off the the closet with mock pride and began the long journey to the "lair".
     I arrived and kept my cloak on for a little warmth, nothing said anything when I entered so I'm assuming he's out right now. I spot Ayesha and smile, you could really help right now darling. I gently bring the cat up to my chest and smile when she meows. I really needed this. I sit on the bed and cuddle with Ayesha, she purrs when I keep petting her. I close my eyes and sigh. Who knows for how long I'll sit there.
He doesnt need you...
I gasp and clitch onto Ayesha for comfort.
No please, not right now, not when I've been so happy.
     He just pitied you, he thinks you need a friend too. And although that may be true. It wasnt for your benefit.
     No your wrong. He would never do that.
I tried to keep calm and keep petting the cat who unfortunately had to be next to me right now.
Why dont you just leave, you dont have a reason to be here.
     Yes I do, he needs me.
I can feel my eyes swell with tears.
Just leave me alone! I cant be sad right now.
     Its all for pity, he knows who you are.
    Stop it! Leave me alone.
     And your friends, they hate you.
     No they dont.
     Madame Giry, she took you in because of pity and she didnt really care for you.
     Stop, go away!
I take long and heavy breaths, tears crawling down my face and landing onto the poor kitty. She crawls next to my head and nudges me. I smile weakly at her and stroke her head.

     "Its okay, I'm okay." I whisper and hold my chest tightly.
      "I sure hope you are." The voice says from the doorway. Ayesha lifts her head and then goes back to comforting me.
     I turn away so he cant see my tearful face. "Yeah I'm good." I say and wipe my face. Once I compose myself I put on a smile and turn back to him. "How are you mon ange?"
     "I'm okay."
     "Lets just," I stand from the bed and sigh, "lets just forget that all happened all right."
     He looks at me sort of disaprovingly and nods.
     "Look I dont need a disaproving father on my ass okay?" I grumble and stalk into the bathroom.
     He stops me and says, "I just want to help."
     "I dont really need it right now, I have other things to do." I weakly smile and turn away to the sink. I turn on the water and splash my face. "Can you teach me another song today?"
"Yes, how about something from a musical?"
I smile and think of this musical, "that would be lovely." I direct my smile up to him when l look through the mirror.
He attempts a smile back and leaves to the organ area thing.

I sigh and give myself a peptalk for one last time. You, missy, you are loved, accept it okay, its all for you. I nod and look down at myself. Such a beautiful dress, well actually not really. Its only my practice dress. Once this is all over you will be filled with happinnes that you lived through The Phantom of the Opera. Isnt that lovely? You also are close friends with him, and the main roles. This is a dream come true. All of you friends may think your crazy when you tell them. But you wont care will you? You are happy, it is a lovely gift that you are here. I start to leave the bathroom after I notice Ayesha still at my feet.

"Thank you darling, you are the best cat ever."

I pass the organ, not dismissing the eyes looking up at me when I do. I understand, he's concerned, but really, I dont want it. I sigh and grab an apple for Erik and some water for me, episodes are draining. I take my time leaving the kitchen and into the main room. I smile at him when I sit down and hold out the apple for him to take.

     "How did you know?" He takes the apple.
     "I have eyes, love" I grin, "I can tell when people dont eat." I face the organ and start practicing the cords.
     He nods, "Well what shall we learn?"
     "Something from a musical I hope." I smile.

Guardian Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now