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     Today we finish up everything for the last preformance of the Opera Populaire. It makes me sad, it is such a beautiful building. I look longingly around my room one last time. I stand from my seated position on my bed and take my outfit for the preformance. I put it on behind my screen and hide my bag underneath the dress. It was easier said than done, the bag was pretty large.
I arrived at the stage and, like before, everything and everyone was rushing around finishing up the last bits of every decoration and costume. I sigh and found Meg. She was in her showy outfit and I felt sorry for her, wearing that without a choice.

"Hey Meg." I said.
"Hey Kathy, are you okay? You sound sad." She asks examining my face.
"Yeah I'm alright, I just dont want to leave." I say and look around at the stage.
     "I thought you were homesick?" She asks and smiles sadly. She didnt want me to leave either.
     "I am, but its really nice here and I'll miss you guys." I pout.
     "I'll miss you too, but you'll visit right?"
     "I will." I lie and smile sadly.
     She smiles back and side hugs me. "Well I have got to go finish up," she gestures to her face, "this, so I'll see you after the show?"
     I almost cry, "Yeah, after the show."

     Now its time. Its time, the whole preformance went by in a blur and now,  we preform whats left. Past the point of no return is next. And after that, the end. Christine entered the stage and I watched while dancing in the back.
     Appearantly I wasnt paying attention because now they were on the rafters already.

     "The bridge is crossed so stand and watch it burn. We've passed the point of no, return."
     No, no I cant watch. But I cant look away. I'll miss it. Its important.
     "Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime."
     He looked desprate and once again it broke my heart. I know it will alot more from now on.
     "Lead me, save me from my solitude. Say you want me with you here, beside you."
     He held her and I nearly cried. If only they knew what was gonna happen.
"Anywhere you'll go let me go too. Christine thats all I ask of-"

     She ripped of his mask off and everyone screamed. I gasped at the realness off the deformity but thats it. I sprinted, grabbed my cloak from a coat rack in the corner.
     I made it to the closet and kept on sprinting down the corridor. Hold on,I'll make it. I entered the lair and hit the edge of the bed. Frick! I landed on my knees and stayed there. Best stay out of sight. I crawled over to the door and peeked out, Erik and Christine just arrived and Christine was just coming out of the room. Thankfully, I arrived just after she left the room.

     "Am I now to be preyed to your lust for flesh?"
     I prayed that I would stay out of sight.
"At fate which condems me, to wallow in blood. Has also denied me, the joys of the flesh." He stroked her face gently and longingly. "This face the infection, which poisons our love. This face which earned a mothers fear and loathing, a mask my first unfeeling scrap of clothing. Pity comes to late! Turn around and face your fate! An eternity of this!" He points to his face. "Before your eyes.."
     Christine looks at him with pity before walking past him and taking off the head piece. "This haunted face holds no horror for me now. Its in your soul, that the true distortion lies.."
     Oh even I felt that. It cut nice  and deep. Erik pauses and turns to face the gate.
     "Wait I think my dear, we have a guest! Sir."
"Rauol!" Christine advances and Erik holds her at his side.
"It is indeed an imparaleled delight!" Erik sneered and smirked. "I had rather hoped that you would come. And now, my wish comes true, you have truely made my night."
     "Let me go." Christy says and struggles against him.
     Rauol reaches through the gate. "Free her! Do what you like only free her! Have you no pity?"
     "Your lover makes a pationate plea."

     Ayesha comes up to me questioningly.
     "Shhh! We must not enter." I whisper when scolding the cat and I hold her back with my arm.

     "Please Rauol its useless." Christine gave up on escaping sadly.
     "I love her! Does that mean nothing? I love her! Show some compassion!" Rauol says reaching out with his arm again.
     "The world showed no compassion to me!" Erik says forcefully and smiles manniacly.
     "Christine, Christine let me see her."
     "Be my guest, sir." Erik lets go of Christine and she surprisingly doesnt move. He pull the lever and Rauol enters hurridly.
    "Messiuere I bid you welcome, Did you think that I would harm her?" Erik enters the water and advances torwards Raoul with a rope. "Why would I make her pay for the sins which are yours!" He chucks the rooe around his neck and ties him up. Christine gasps and Raoul struggles for breath. "Order your fine horses now! Raise up your hand to the level of you eyes! Nothing can save you now! Except perhaps, Christine?" He daunts the man tied up and turns to Christy. "Start a new life with me! Buy his freedom with your love! Refuse me and you send your lover to his death! This is the choice! This is the point of no return!" Erik yells and keeps hold on the rope.
     "The tears I might have shed for your dark fate, grow cold and turn to tears of hate!" Chris exclaims with tears on her cheeks.
     "Christine forgive me please forgive me. I did all for you and all for nothing." Raoul pleads sadly.
     "Farewell my fallen idol and false friend. We had such hopes and now those hopes are shattered../Too late for turning back. To late for useless pity./ say you love him and my life is over." They all overlapped eachother.
     "Past all hope of cries for help. No point in fighting for either way you choose you cannot win/ Either way you choose he has to win."

     Dear, this can only go downhill. And I'm in it.

Guardian Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now