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Its been a little while since I left the 1880 universe, I rarely see my friends anymore. Basically its my fault, I prefer to stay holed up in my appartment nowadays. They do visit me every so often though, to check up on me and for fun. I dont really need it, I'm just not the same I think.
Tonight was the first night I rewatched Phantom of the Opera. Caroline was sat on my left, curled up in my fuzzy throw blanket. Max was on my right, with a pillow in her lap and holding tissues already for me and Cary. Max said it was a girls night, so Markus wasnt present. I was holding Strawberry Ice cream, my favourite. I pretty much had five tubs of this in my freezer. Caroline scolded me for that, Max bought them all, so she was scolded too.
      I press the play button and I'm met with the infamous scene of the auction. I sniff and open my sweets. Cary cuddles into my side and Max leans an arm on my shoulder. I rest my head on Caroline's and sigh. Carrlotta sings and all I can think is 'Erik was so right to dislike her voice.'
       It makes me sad to see the set similar to the one that was so real to me. I look away to my masquerade mask, sitting daintly on my TV table. My eyes and hands focus on my white ribbon tied around my wrist. A new friendship bracelt sat there too, it was red and orange, warm colours. I got it from my friends when I went out with them to roller skate a few days ago. Roller skating was a hobby of mine that I forgot about over time.
     In what feels like two seconds, Music of the Night is playing and because its my favourite song, naturally my eyes water at incoming memories. I sniffle and look up at the TV, it made my eyes water more so I looked away again. I'm reminded by a voice in my head that it will be okay. Then a negitive one hits and it sends me into crying. Max hands me a tissue, I gladly take it and wipe up my emotional mess.
     In a flash its All I ask of You and I'm crying again, I'm remembering all the times I greived over this, none were as hurtful as now becaused I witnessed it play out in front of me. I shiver, remembering the greif and sadness I shared with Erik. I cant wait for whats too come. *sarcasm*
     Its now Past the point of no Return. I'm hiding in Max's shoulder for comfort. I hear Down Once More start and I hiccup. Max pats my back, knowing how this movie affects me.
     Then its the end, and I'm silently crying to myself. I didnt want my friends comfort at the moment. All I wanted was to be back there. I notice I was homesick there, but now that I left, I miss there terribly, it hurts.

     "I've never seen you so distraught Kathy." Max comments.
     Learn to be Lonely plays the credits and I hiccup on my tears.
     "Hey," Caroline says and wipes her own face, its a tear jerking movie, "I cried too."
     "Yeah squirt, I thought you would leave when the blood showed." Max teases Cary.
     I giggle silently. "She laughed!" Cary cheers and wraps the blanket around my shoulders.
     "Mission accomplished Caroline! Now we must fill her with ice cream to celebrate!" Max playfully nudges my shoulder.
      "I disagree." Caroline says and rubs my head, "I think she needs hugs." She wraps her arms tight around my shoulders.
     Max shrugs, "wouldnt hurt to try." Max wraps her arms around my waist and smiles.
     I smile back a little and sigh.
     "Hey," Caroline whispers, "It'll be okay. The phantom will be okay, he's just fictional, right?"
     I sniff and solomly nod. Yeah, just fictional.

Guardian Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now