Get in loser we're going shopping 1 5

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     "Katherina! Kathy wake up!" A voice yells in my ear.
     I shoot up from my rest position. "I'm up, I'm up! Who's dieing?!" I exclaim and look around, my eyes resting on Meg and Christine. "How dare you wake me at the ungodly hour of," I look at the clock in my room.
     "10am." Christine finishes for me.
     "What she said." I spit out and flop back down unsuccessfully because Meg catches me and drags me out of bed before I fall asleep again.
     "Uhuhuh." Meg says and pushes me to my wardrobe, "get dressed, We're going out today!"
     "Rude. I had no consent in this." I get up drowsily and open my wardrobe.
     "See you in five minuetes, Kath." Christine says and drags Meg out of the room with her.

     I pick out a random dress and put it on behind my screen. I look down to see what the dress is and its actually quite lovely, it is a blue with a greyish tone and has a lot of ruffles. Perfect. Normally I would go with a simpler dress but since I'm going out, might as well dress up. I exit my room and yep, Meg and Chris were standing directly outside it.

     "Lovely," Meg says and takes my arm. "Now lets go."
     We leave the Opera house to a carrige outside, once we enter I start asking questions.
     "Guys, why are we going shopping?" I ask once sat down in the carrige.
     "We needed to get out of there, also, today we have no practice." Christine says smiling.
      I nod. "What are we shopping for?"
     Meg shrugs, "anything we see."
     I nod again and look out the window, waiting for our destination.
     Once we Arrived I hopped out of the carriage and landed firmly on the coblestone ground.
"Where to first?" I ask the gurls getting out behind me.
"Well I was thinking of new ballet shoes and outfits." Meg says.
I look around and spot a ballet store up ahead. "There it is." I pointed and we went to where it was.
     But before we could Enter I spotted Raoul outside of a jewelery shop. I gently nudged Christine and nodded to him. As much as I want Erik and Christine together I also think Christine and Raoul are a lovely couple. Also, Chrisy's my friend and I like to tease my friends.
     "Oh!" She says and smiles at Raoul when he spots us himself.
     Me and Meg smile at the Vicomte respectfully and together, we pushed Christine to him. "Have fun!" We giggled and walked into the shop leaving a flustered girl behind us.
     "I think they would be great together, no?" Meg asks smiling still.
     "Yes maybe so." I say and think about how I feel on their relationship and how it affects Erik.
     "Do you need anything here Kathy?" Meg asks.
     "Not that I know of." I say and ponder of home.
     "Oh well then I'll just fetch what I need then we can go somewhere alright?" She says.
    "alright." Normally I would have said something like 'okee dokee' but we are still in the early 1800's are we not.

I have been very thoughtful over the past few days. I cant seem to stop feeling homesick and dreading the events to soon happen. This whole thing is bonkers. How am I even here? I just appeared on the floor in nothing but jeans and a t-shirt. Cirtantly not the attire for this time. I distantly stare at a shelf in front of me and I'm reminded again of my friends back home. 'Oh Markus.. Cary, Maxine. I miss you all dearly but this is a dream come true. I'll see you soon.' I dont realize I'm frowning until someone points it out, that someone happenned to be our lovely soprano.

"Kathy whats wrong? Why are you pouting?" Christine shows in front of me.
"Oh sorry, just thinking of home." I say and half smile.
"Aw well you'll be going home soon wont you? After Don Juan?" She asks and sits next to me.
"Yeah, I'll miss you Christine."
"I'll miss you too, but this isnt goodbye yet."
"Youre right, how was time with Rauol?" I ask with a mishceivious grin.
She glares at me, "It was alright, thanks for that."
I smile "Not a problem."

     Moments later Meg had what she wanted and payed before we left the store, we decided on going to lunch before continuing. We went to a cute dainty place called 'la taurte' Appearantly that roughly translates to the pie house. Once we sat down and ordered Meg said,

     "I hear their pies are very good."
     I smile and shift In my seat, "I sure hope so."
     "What have you guys learned of your dance routine yet?" Christine asks when returning the smile.
     "Not much," Meg says, but I actually think we learned quite a lot, deffinately at least half.
     "Shes lying," I pretend to whisper to Chrisy and smirk, "We already learned about half of it."
     Meg playfully glares at me and I snicker, Christine smiles, "Well I sure learned a lot of mine."
     "Oh yes Chrisy," Meg says clasping her hands together, "I am so excited to see you preform."
     "Me too!" I lean forward to show interest but also so they can hear me. "But I think Piangi isnt right for you." Me and the girls snicker and joke until our food arrived, which wasnt very long, and the pie looked delicous!

     After, we went to a few more stores and I bought a late christmas/parting gift for Erik, I know he would be distraught after the end of the story and losing a friend. The gift was a lovely ring that had an engraved rose but also a custom engraved message on the inside, 'every beautiful rose has its thorns.'  I think Rose's are Erik's signiture flower and the message, Erik was beautiful on the outside and in but he had his faults, to him the thorns could be his face, but to me and possibly Madame Giry, the thorns were his tragic backstory and what it shaped him into.

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Guardian Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now