The end 1 8

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"So do you end you days with me? Or do you send him to his grave?" Erik tightened the rope around Raouls neck.
"Why make her lie to you to save me?"Raoul gasped out and glared at Erik.
"Past the point of no return the final threshold../ Angel of music.. Who deserves this?/ For pitys sake Christine, say no! Dont throw your life away for my sake!" They all overlapped, each longing for their own desire.
"He is now the prize you must earn!/ when will you see reason?/ I fought so hard to free you..." They overlapped again and I frowned at the sight before me.
"You deceived me, I gave you my mind blindly." Christine says.
"You try my patience- make your choice!" Erik pulls on the tope tighter, Raoul chokes again.
Christine advances torwards Erik and I sigh at what was to happen next. "Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known? God gave me courage to show you," Christine slips on the ring. "You are not alone..." And they kiss. For a while. I didnt watch, gross man. But I did see Raoul look at the scene angirly.
Erik pauses in disbeleif and starts to sniffle, he backs away and lets go of the rope. "Take her- forget me- forget all of this.. Leave me alone! Forget all youve seen.." Christine begins to untie Raoul and Erik starts up the stairs to his organ. "Go now! Dont let them find you! Take the boat, but swear to me, never to tell the secret you know of the angel in hell!" Christine and Raoul begin their reunion thing and Erik turn to face them. "Go now- GO NOW and leave me!" He stalks into his bedroom after I quickly hid in the passage way, not before covering it back up with the curtain.
I cover my sniffling nose and watery eyes before peeking out into the room very carefully. "Masquerade, paper faces on parade.. Masquerade, hide your face so the world with never find you." I start to cry and I keep watching intently. Christine enters, her dress dripping with water. "Christine I love you..." Christine claps his hand shut when giving him the ring back and my heart breaks once again. Erik looks after her sadly when she exits the room. "You alone can make my song take flight..."
I silently gasp when realizing I didnt give him his gift. "Erik!" I shout running out of the passage way before he could leave. "Erik wait!" I grab onto his arm before he takes the candle holder. He shys away from me hiding his face, I take it in my hand and look at him with tears in my eyes, "I wanted to give you this before you left." His eyes are tightly shut, not wanting my reaction to his face. "Its okay, youre beautiful..." I slip the ring onto one of his fingers and kiss his deformed cheek. "Goodbye mon ange..." I say with a voice crack. I didnt wait for a response I just went back into the bedroom. I watch him as he turns back around to the mirror and clasps the holder with a new sense of sadness and greiving. I did that to him...
"Its over now the music of the night!" He bashes through every mirror before coming to the one with the passage behind it. He bashes it quick and hard.

As he enters I feel a hot tear rolling down my cheek. When I cant see him any longer and theres no sign of him coming back I collapse to my knees and start sobbing. I'm leaving now... I cry harder when I start to feel tingly and I see my body parts start to disapear little by little, agonizingly slow.
Not to long later I find myself on the floor of my dressing room. I am curled up in a fetal position. Just like how I arrived at the Opera Populaire. I cry harder at the thought of everything that just happened to me. Thankfully, my plan was successful and I had everything in my bag. I wasnt in my costume dress though. Judging by how everything looked the same, no time had passed, nothing in my life changed. Except for the hole in my heart.

     "Child of the Wilderness, born into emptyness, learn to be lonely." I choked out. "Learn to find your way in darkness. Who will be there for you? Comfort and care for you? Learn to be lonely. Learn to be your one companion. Never dreamed. Out in the world, there are arms to hold you. Youve always known. Your heart is on its own. So laugh in your loneliness, child of the wilderness. Learn to be lonely, learn how to love, life is lived alone." I humed the tone and my tears slowly subsided. "Learn to be lonely. Life can be lived, life can be loved alone..." I clutch my chest and then start shiffling through my things, I tied the ribbon into my hair and clutched my cloak around my slightly shaking form.
My door opened slowly and Maxine peeked in. I couldnt help it but my face broke into a huge smile when seeing her. She looked over my form, sitting on the floor, wearing a random cloak on me. She smiled when she finished analizing and met my eyes.

"I take it from the state youre in you jut finished Phantom of the Opera again didnt you?" She asks teasingly.
I wipe the remaining tears off my face, "you have no idea how good it is to see you." I chuckled.
"Uh-huh, well come on, Cary and the other one is in the car waiting for you." She helps me up from the floor.
     I grab my bag and spot my needed phone and earbuds on my table. I take those too and nod, "Okay yeah, where are we going?"
     She looks at me concerned, "We're going to your house remember? Are you sure youre okay?" She asks and playfully feels my forehead for a temperature.
     "Yeah lets go." I smile reasuringly and we leave out to the car Markus is driving.
     I smile at the familiar sight. Cary turns to me, "Ready to go home darling?"
     "Yeah," I smile and sadly sigh. "Ready to go home."

Ohmygod. If you guys didnt know this is the first ever book I finished on here so yeah. Its a big deal. Anyway, thank you for reading if you did! I know its short but the story is kind of too isnt it?
Love, ~May <3

Guardian Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now