Waiting 0 4

908 18 2

This is gonna be a long chapter, I hope you dont mind, I couldnt find a place to stop :D

The whole day I could not sit still when waiting for everyone to wake up- strangely I woke up hours earlier than usual. I woke at the crack of dawn- 3:00- and I usually wake at 5:30. To keep myself busy I read, but I couldnt focus at all.
Then when it was only hours later it was time for breakfast. There, I couldnt wait for 10, he probably wouldnt show but the chance that he would excited me. I hummed along to the tune of 'Think of Me' and contemplated everything that has happened recently.

"Katherina" a voice which could only belong to Meg Giry came from beside me.
    I faced towards her and smiled, "yes madamoiselle?"

     The night when we played around when trying to practice had impacted our relationship greatly, we are much closer friends then before.

     She snickered to herself, "Well, monsiuer, I wanted to know if you would like to practice with me again later this evening?"
     I thought, I may or may not be busy at the time so I said, "I'll have to see Meg but if I'm not busy I'll be sure to see you at the dorms?"
     "Of course," She started then made a face, "Where are you going anyways? There isnt a lot of places a ballerina should be."
     Oh. What do I say? I'm only meeting the man who is torturing the Opera House and trying to make him feel loved. No that sounds absolutely ridiculous. "I'm just going out to fetch some new...Undergarments?" I say questioning if that was a good excuse.
     "Oh alright, I'll see you then Kathy?" She asks and smiles.
    "Only If I can Madamoiselle." I smile back and stand up.
     "Katherina you havent eaten yet!" Meg touches my arm as I am about to leave.
     "Oh," I glance at the clock in the corner of the room, its 9:30, "I'm not hungry right now Meg, I'll eat later."

      I give her a reasuring smile and move away from her touch and out the door.
     I went to my bed area in the dorms and took my cloak and swished it on. It made me contemplate on how I got the artical of clothing, I wasnt wearing it when I got here it just, appeared. Oh well, it was very pretty and although it wasnt really mine that didnt stop me from wearing it.
  I snuck into the Prima Donna room, making sure Christine wasnt there, she shouldnt have been becayse it is Breakfast time and slid open the mirror, it opened a lot easier than the day before, maybe it new tresspassers and opens easier for people it knows. Hah thats funny, love that.
I walked in the passage and the feeling of a cloak flowing behind me felt so extremley powerful, deffinately recomend if you need a confidence boost.
    I slowly lifted up my hand to graze the walls, they were rocky and yet smooth almost because of the water in the air. I could sense his presence so I lightly called out for him.

    "Monsieur~" I smiled in satisfaction when I saw a figure move in front of me.
    "You know, I really understand why you like these things," I gestured towards my cloak. "They are so self powering, I feel like I can murder someone right now." Is that maybe why you kill people Erik? I snicker to myself at my thought.

     I kept walking for I know we would probably meet up at the lake.

     "Phantom, why dont you come out and play? I'm here for your lessons." I say, with a smirk because him getting lessons from me is humerous.
    "Katherina why are you back."
     "Hes alive!" I say sarcastically. "I just stated, for your lessons."
     He snarls, still cloaked in the darkness if I may add. "I dont want any."
     Maybe Christine didnt want any but you didnt let her get away did ya? I smile and look all around me, analyzing every place the torch light touched. "But you cant stop me phantom, we've already been through this darling."

     I continue my trek forward and I slightly hear the sound of him following me.

     "Now would you come out of the darkness? Its weird talking to a wall." I scoff, "like I would know, I'm so lonely I talk to it all the time, hell I even decorate it to seem more interesting to talk to y'know mon ange?"

     I guess he ignores my short run off there because he steps out in front of me not a few moments later.

     "How can you help me. You are nothing but a young girl." I'm 24!
This angered me a little, but I think I kept my composure. "I will help you no matter what, its why I'm here for god damn sake."
He didnt understand and that was appearant. But he brushed it off, "Seriously, why would you want to help me." He expressed little to no emotion, didnt even sound like a question.
"Please, I just wish to help you, just let me try please." I begged and looked at him for an answer.
"It already seems you wont give up." He sighs and stays put. I never stopped walking. It was a long passage okay.
I arrived about a foot away from him. "Thank you," I smiled, "Now first, You must eat mon ange, you're skin and bones."

I walked around him, quite difficult to do because these passages were only meant for a single person. I took his wrist and what I felt only proved my statement. My eyes widened and I thought to myself, please mon ange take care of yourself.

"I still dont understand why you wish to help me." He states and tenses when I hold his wrist.
"Empathy, mon ange, for empathy-" I was about to continue but quickly bit my tounge for my next word would cause suspicion.

We arrive at the boat and I step in delicatly trying not to rock it. He steps in behind me and takes the paddle stick thingy.

"Mon ange, may I row it? I wouldnt want you to work yourself."
His face shows suprise that I would like to row the boat. "As lovely as that may be Katherina I highly doubt you can properly row this boat without knocking us over board."
I flashed a large, curious smile. "But I can try?" I stood up and ended up rocking the boat.
"No, sit back down you will hurt yourself."

I gave in and sat back down, smiling. The air was soon filled with awkward silence. I hadnt expected this to work, I kind of expected me to be dead or rejected sitting on my bed.

My eyes fill with curious amazement as we approach the 'shore'. "Mon ange, its lovely." I breath out and step out as well. I look at everything, "its so much better in person." I mumble under my breath and Erik looks over at me curiously.
"In person?" He gets out and put the thing against the wall. "Do you know about this place Katherina?"
I quickly dash up the stairs to his organ. I stroke the keys gently and grin. "Thats none of your concern mon ange."
He walks over to me and says in a suspicious and intrigued voice. "I believe it is my concern madamoiselle, this is where I reside it is not for the public."
And yet I'm here. "I only saw it in my dreams ange." What a white lie.
He narrows his eyes at me. "Okay, well, now what?"
"Now," I look at him with a smile of excitment. "I cook for you."

Kind of a wierd ending to a chapter but Like I said I couldnt find a place to end sooo. Hope you enjoyed <3

Guardian Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now