Goodnight 02

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     I know Erik had said to stay away but not only did my curiosity ignore that but also my love for the man stopped me from following his intstructions.
     Let me explain my love for him. I do not love Erik romantically and I never plan on it. I love him as a mother would to her son, I want to help him and care for him at all times. I dont want him to be hurt I want him to be happy. Therefore, my love for Erik Destler, The Opera ghost, is not romantic love.
     Now that I have explained myself I should really practice for the Think of me dance routine later tonight.

     "Ah, You must be Katherina, Madame Giry told us we gained a new dancer." A familiar voice said from behind me.
     I turned to look at them. "Oh yes, what is your name?" I asked even though I knew fully well who the girl was.
     "My name is Christine, and this is Meg." She says gesturing to herself then to the girl beside her I only noticed until now.
     "Nice to meet you then Christine and Meg." I reply with a smile.
     "Nice to meet you" Christine and Meg say returning my smile.
     "Well I apollogize girls but I must be going, I need to practice." I say waving to them as I slowly turn away.
     "Goodbye Katherina I'll see you around!" Christine says and Meg waves.

     Lovely girls, I think to myself.
     Eventually it was time for the preformance and I could not stop my grin. I scrambled to the side stage and waited for Christine to come on and sing.
     I heard the music start. Yay! So exciting I dont think I've ever actually seen someone sing in the large of a dress. Christine comes out and starts.
How beautiful her voice is, She is lucky to earn his love. I smiled thinking about mon ange, he deserved her love aswell. I leaned against the wall of backstage watching Christine with intense eyes.
I suddenly heard "Bravo!" And my eyes widened. Raoul, he saw Christine, well of course he had, I hadnt done anything to stop him from being here. This was the start really, this is what started everything.
I continued watching her, for I knew what would be happening next. Raoul would be going off somewhere singing his song.
As soon as Christine finished it was like nothing happened in between. She was already in her Prima donna room, where the Phantom would degrade Raoul.

"Who is that in there?" I heard Raoul shout at the Primma donnas room"

     It was now time for The Mirror. Litteraly my favourite song, mainly because he insults Raoul. I dont dislike Raoul, in fact I think of him as a sibling, but its still funny. I have yet to meet the Only and only Opera Ghost face to face- well. Masked face. I am excited but frightened for that day.
     Why you ask? Well, he is a murderer, and is known for outbursts, I dont like people yelling at me. It makes me feel as though I will be harmed or I did something wrong. But I am surely excited because this is of course The Phantom of the Opera. Thinking of The Mirror scene makes me think of Down once more, what will I do then?
     Raoul eventually leaves, I dont know why, his love was with another in her room. It dawns on me that I cannot do anything, I cannot follow and watch The Phantom play out as I would like. I would have to sit, and watch from affar, the sad ending no one wishes to happen.
I frown and walk back to my room, I just have to wait for 'Notes' though even then, I still cannot interfere I can only watch. I arrive at my destination and see other ballerinas sitting in a circle with only one candle, placed in the center and slowly burning.

"What are you guys doing?" Meg asks walking into the room from behind me.
"We're playing truth or dare, would you like to join us?" I didn't know if they speaking to me or Meg so I just nodded.
"Sure" Meg said and walked over to the sitting down.
I did the same and they scooted so we could all fit.
"Whos first?" The girl speaking from before asked us moving the candle completely in the middle.
I smiled, "I'll go first." I raised a hand slowly.
One of the girls smiled and whispered to the other one. She nodded and turned back to me.
"You shall stay the night in box five."
"Oh so scary." I did some jazz hands. I got this, I doubt Erik would even notice. "Bring it on."
"Alright, here have this candle, we'll get a new one." She handed me it and prayed me good luck.

I thanked her and waved goodbye to everyone. The candle stick was difficult to hold, I'm used to artificial light I guess. I walked around the opera house and automatically somegow my feet knew how to take me to Box five. Wierd, I thought smiling. How bad could it be? I could sing, maybe he wont mind. OH wait, dang I forgot Christine was in his lair tonight. I cannot sing, he will be bothered.
Maybe I'll just sleep. I like sleep, why not, but I may have to tell him why I'm there.
I arrived and the box was., clean, crystal clean infact. Did Erik clean his own box? It was chilly in here though, like a real ghost was here. I sigh,

"Phantom, if you can hear me, I was dared to sleep here tonight, I promise no harm unless you do something absolutely stupid then I might just have too. Have a good night."

I sat in one of the back chairs so no one could spot me easily if they looked from the stage. I felt a new chill, like someone had been watching me. I smiled, it could only mean that mon ange was watching me try to sleep in his oh so terrifying box five. I closed my eyes and curled into a ball on the theater chair. Before I could be comepletly developed in sleep I heard a whispered 'goodnight'.

Guardian Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now