Opening night 0 9

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     {We now skip to the openning night}

     Today was our first preformance of ll Muto, first death witnessed, and the beginning of an emotional war in a love triangle. I was prepared as hell. I am prepared to cry, I am prepared to comfort, I am prepared for everything Erik might do to me and to others. But I am sure not prepared for this dance routine, the Opera house sure does like to work fast, I should practice way more than I do.
     First we practice one last time, rehersals as you will. Everyone was bustling around pulling the last few strings to get every detail perfect. And when It was time to start, I saw Buquet move up in the rafters and I braced myself for all hell. I watched the preformance from backstage but I guess I wasnt really paying attention, I was mainly focused on  what will happen above my head. But my focus was broken when I heard Erik's voice boom from across the auditorium.

"Did I not instruct that box five was to be kept empty?" From where I stood I could not see his face, but a shadow of his figure.
"Its him the Phantom of the opera." Meg says and I smirk at the over used line.
"Its him." Christine says also.
"Your part is silent little toad." Carlotta scolds Chris before realizing her mistake and strolling over to get her mouth spray.
"Perhaps it is you who are the toad madame." I whispered under my breath as I knew It would be spoken by Erik as well.

Carlotta strolls back over into place and everyone brushes off Erik's appearance. "Poor fool he makes me laugh *croak*"

I could not hold in my laughter like Meg and the others. It started of as a chuckle but I ended up covering my mouth before I could actually fully laugh. This continues until the curtains are closed.

"The opera will continue with Christine Daae," Andre pulls Chris infront of the curtain "as the Countess." Applause, good, she deserves it. "And in the meantime the ballet from Act 3 will be preforming."

The next few moments were unprepaired, messy, and downright horrible. I quickly danced on stage and I think I was the most prepaired, especially for what happened next. Joseph Buquet's dead body hung from rafters and I wont lie, it was gross. He spasmed and convulsed as the last bit of life was drained from him, he was purple and veiny. I ran from the scene and took a quick passage up to the roof and on my way up I grabbed a jacket from the costumes, it was going to be cold. I opened the entrance with a bang and dashed behind a statue, just in time to see Erik do the same and no moment later Raul and Christine burst through the actual entrance, singing.

"There is no Phantom of the Opera.."
"Raul I've been there to his world of uneding night. To a world where the daylight disolves into darkness, darkness"
"Raul I've seen him, can I ever forget that sight? Can I ever escape from that face so distorted, deformed it was hardly a face in the darkness, darkness."
"But his voice filled my spirit with a strange sweet sound, in the night there was mysic in my mind. And through music my soul began to soar."
"And I heard as I've never heard before."
"What you heard was a dream and nothing more."
"Yet in his eyes, all the sadness of the world. Those pleading eyes that both threatn amd adore."
"Christine, Christine."
I heard a very faint "Christine.." In the wind and I knew it was him. And now, The story begins.
"No more talk of darkness, forget these wide eyed fears, Im here nothing can harm you my words will warm and calm you, let me be your freedom let daylight dry your tears, I'm hear with you beside you to gaurd you and to guide you."
"Say you'll love me every waking moment. Turn my head with talk of summer time. Say you need me with you now and always, promise me that all you say us true. Thats all I ask of you."
"Let me be your shelter, let me be your light. Your safe no one will fond you your fears are far behind you."
"All i want is freedom a world with no more night, an you always beside me to hold me and to hide me."
"Then say youll share with me one love one lifetime. Let me lead you from your solitude, say you need me with you here beside you, anywhere you go let me go too. Christine, Thats all I ask of you."
I watch Erik throughout this and I can almost physically see and hear his heart break into millions of pieces, and I'm sure mine did too at the sight.
"Say youll share with me one love one lifetime, say the word and I will follow you."
"Share each day with me each night, each morning"
"say you love me."
"You know I do."
"Love me thats all I ask of you."
"Anywhere you go let me go too! Love me, thats all I ask of you."

Raul and Christine happily leave the roof while saying some more things to each other and giving eachother little kisses. I watch Erik intensely, no doubt he knows I'm here. But I think he doesnt care, he comes out from his spot and starts the reprise.

"I gave you my music, made your song take wing, and now how you repaid me, denied me and betrayed me. He was boynd to love you when he heard you sing, Christine."
He goes and takes the rose gently, on his knees, continuing.
"Say you'll share with me one love one lifetime, say the word and I will follow you. Share each day with me each night each morning." The new engaged couple harmonize somewhere in the backround, taunting us. Erik is takeing shaky breaths and clutching the rose tighter, a few tears esacping. I almost start crying right then and there. He runs up the tall statue and sings,
"You will curse the day you did not do, all that the Phantom asked of you!"

He crumples to the ground and I slowly emerge, crying with him. He makes no move to recognize I'm there. I colapse next to him and hug him around the waist, not caring if he hurt me now. After moments of comfort he speaks.

"Why are you here ange?" His voice is raspy and strained, deffinitely crying.
I couldnt explain why, I just needed to help. I tighten my hold
"You'll get cold, leave."
"No, You're more important right now." I register a weak smile up at him and wipe my tears.
"Why are you crying?"
I smile and lift his head to wipe his own tears, "Sympathy, mon ange."

Guardian Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now