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     "You need to to interact with people your age," Astoria's mother admonished. "Some human contact would do you well."

     "What if that isn't what I want?" Astoria softly replied. Her mind was elsewhere, and still half asleep, seeing as her mother woke her at the unholy hour of seven thirty to have a "little chat."

     "What do you mean, 'if that isn't what I want?' You've always been so well behaved, Astoria. A model daughter that I was proud of. And now you tell me you don't want to carry out your duties like your sister? I thought you were jealous of her, moping around like someone died for the whole reception!" Astoria's mother certainly had a flair for overreacting, but she wasn't finished. "Ever since your fifth year, you haven't really been here. You need friends, Astoria. And a husband isn't a bad idea, either." Astoria's mother gave her daughter a knowing look, tilting her daughter's chin up as if talking to a small child. "Astoria, I just want what's best for you. And clearly, staying inside for so long hasn't done you much good, especially for your complexion," she said, eyeing Astoria's face. "Get out and do something. Nothing improper of course, but you need air. Men don't like ghostly pale girls who barely speak."

     Astoria's mother may have left the bedroom, but her words rang in Astoria's ears. She was slowly losing what little freedom she had, and Astoria expected to be married off within the year. Astoria couldn't stand to try and please anyone, not after what she'd seen and experienced, let alone a husband. Astoria never really felt the desire to please other people anymore. On the contrary, she could go a day without her mother's incessant babbling and her father's scrutinizing gaze. Besides, Astoria didn't have to interact with people, like her mother thought she would. She knew a hidden place where no one would find her, or at least that is what she thought.


     Draco looked up as a pop disturbed his thoughts. A young woman stood no more than five meters away from him, with an expression on her face just as surprised as his own.

     "How do you know about this place?" The woman demanded, wand drawn. Before thinking to answer, Draco took a closer look at her. She was short, no more than 5 feet tall, yet her dark hair reached the small of her back. The woman's face was small, but with sharp cheekbones, a strong jawline, and piercing brown eyes, yet she was deathly pale. She was vaguely familiar.

     "Did you even hear me?" She questioned. "How did you know about this place? I won't ask again."

      She's feisty, Draco noticed. "I happen to own this forest, so the real question is how you know about this place."

     The woman's face fell as she lowered her wand. "I'd rather not answer that." There was a long silence. After a while the woman looked up with a perplexed expression. "Don't I know you from somewhere?"

     Draco thought for a moment and said, "Maybe. I don't know many people. " Realizing he had forgotten to intimidate the intruder, he asked, "Who are you?" in a far less calm tone of voice.

     The woman paused, as if contemplating the answer. "If you must know, my name is Astoria Greengrass."

     Now that's fmailiar, Draco thought. He swore there was a Daphne Greengrass is his year, but he remembered her being tanned, blonde, and far more talkative. "Is there any chance you're related to Daphne Greengrass?" Draco couldn't believe the words coming out of his own mouth. He couldn't even remember the last time he made pointless conversation like this with anyone. He hated talking like all the "well-to-do" wizards and witches his parents used to associate with, even if he was curious who this Greengrass woman was.

     "She's my sister, unfortunately, but I'm nothing like her." Draco heard something more than contempt in her words, but didn't want to say anything.

     "Daphne pretends to be fine all the time, acting as if the war never happen, that she never saw all the dead bodies in the great hall, that she is above the people who died fighting in the battle. She sobs like a child at night, though. She disrespects every person who fought for Harry Potter, even if she thinks her tears do them justice." She was almost shouting. Now but she promptly shut her mouth upon seeing Draco's face.

     Draco had only seen one girl talk like that before, but he preferred push thoughts of her to the back of his mind. He calmly asked, "How long have you kept that inside?"

     Astoria glanced at him then looked down. "Far longer than I should have," she answered.

     Draco stood up and strolled up so he was nearly touching Astoria. "My name is Draco Malfoy," he said, "and I understand you comepletely."


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