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     "How good are you at acting?"

     "What does acting have to do with this?"

     "My parents will be able to tell you're not ill in a second, unless you can look convincingly miserable."

     "Draco, I've been convincingly miserable for several years now."

     "I could put a jinx on you if you like."

     "The last time I checked, no one enjoys getting jinxed."

     "Do you have a better idea?"

     Astoria paused. Perhaps she did. "Maybe we could go to the drawing room, and you could leave me there while you get your parents to come in. When you all return, I could be lying on the floor, having 'fainted', and insist on going home. Of course you'll escort me, and from there we can go to the ministry."

     "I like that idea. But are you sure my parents will believe you?"

     "That's what makes it exciting."


     Draco walked down the second floor hallway to the study. Astoria had changed her dress to navy blue and was already pretending to be helpless on the floor, so there was no turning back now. Finally, he inhaled and knocked on the door.

     "Enter," called his father's voice from inside.

     Draco opened the door and began speaking. "Astoria would like to speak with the both of you."

     "Where is Astoria?" Narcissa inquired.

     "She was feeling lightheaded, so I came to get you."

     "Very well," said Lucius, and they walked back to the drawing room. Astoria's eyes slowly fluttered open, and she sat up, rubbing the back of her head.

     "What happened?" said Narcissa with little emotion in her voice.

     "I believe I tried to stand up and fainted."

     "Narcissa rolled her eyes and gave Draco a disappointed look.

     "Perhaps I should escort you home, Miss Greengrass?" Draco asked.

     "Yes . . . I believe you should," said Astoria, looking innocent as ever.

     Holding out his hand for Astoria to take, Draco helped her stand and they disapparated.


     Draco and Astoria walked briskly out of the green fire and into the busy corridor.

     "Astoria, that was a wonderful performance. You fooled them. I believe my mother thinks you are a weak sniveling house wife now."

     "You didn't do so bad yourself," Astoria responded with a smirk. "Where do we go? I can't remember the last time I came to the ministry."

     "We can find a member of the Wizengamot in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and get it done. And after we show the papers to my parents, they'll leave Malfoy Manor and we can do whatever we like."

     "Why would your parents leave their own house? Certainly you don't exercise that much power over them."

     "It's a Malfoy tradition to pass on the mansion when the heir gets married. They won't object, but they also might not talk to me for several years."

     All the while Draco and Astoria had been talking, they had made their way to the elevator.

     "Department of Magical Law Enforcement," Draco said. Heads turned. A Malfoy, showing his face in public. A man who followed Voldemort, on his way to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The elevator was silent. Astoria, able to feel the tension, slipped her hand into Draco's as a gesture of comfort. At her touch Draco relaxed, breathing steadily again.

     "Department of Magical Law Enforcement," spoke the cool voice. Astoria and Draco departed out the doors, and not soon after did Draco see a familiar face standing in the way.

     Harry Potter stared suspiciously at Draco and eyed Astoria up and down, who was still grasping Draco's hand. "What would you be doing at the Ministry, Malfoy?"

     Perfectly calmly, Draco answered, "That is none of your business, Potter."

     "Ah, but that's where you're wrong. You just walked into my department," Harry countered.

     "Think you're being funny, do you?" Draco asked. "We're not children anymore, Potter. Let us through."

     "Why should I?"

     "Harry, stop being thick and let them through," said a young woman with bushy brown hair.

     Astoria recognized her. She was Hermon Granger. Everyone in Slytherin knew her name, thanks to Draco and his gang telling everyone they hated "that mudblood." But Astoria was quiet. Quiet people often notice more about others than those preoccupied with their own social lives. Astoria saw the way Draco would look at Hermione when no one was watching. And Astoria knew this probably wouldn't end well.

     "You best do what she says," Draco
said to Harry. Reluctantly, the great Harry Potter stepped back, followed by Hermione Granger, who eyed Astoria with perplexity. Draco and Astoria continued on, hands still linked, until Astoria heard Hermione's voice again.

     "Harry, did you see the woman Draco was with? She can't be more than eighteen! And they were holding hands! They probably got here to get married."

     "Hermione, that's ridiculous. Why would Draco Malfoy get married?"

     "It isn't ridiculous. You know purebloods get married early. Besides, Malfoy needs an heir, he's the only one left. But that poor girl . . .marriage that young has got to be illegal! And she was so quiet . . .who knows what Draco's doing to make her go through with it!"

     Astoria nudged Draco and he leant down. Whispering angrily, Astoria asked, "Can you hear them?"

     Draco looked down at her face, saying, don't ever let them know that they get to you Astoria. Their meaningless words aren't worth it."

     "But Draco, there are already enough dirty lies circulating about your family, and I can't stand this Granger woman!" With that, Astoria dropped Draco's hand and stalked over to Hermione.

     "You shouldn't say things like that when the person is standing ten feet away."

     Hermione feigned confusion. "Excuse me? Who are you?"

     "Astoria Greengrass. Soon to be Malfoy. You got that part right, at least."

     "I think you-"

     "I think you've said quite enough about me, Miss Granger. For one, I am twenty one years old, and getting married quite willingly. And you have absolutely no right to assume that Draco would ever attempt to harm me in order to have an heir. Lastly, my demeanor around other people is none of your concern. Good day, Miss Granger."

     Hermione stared, dumbfounded, after Astoria and Draco as the couple walked on, once again joining hands.



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