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     "Draco," called a male voice just outside the kitchen. Draco and Astoria practically leapt out their seats.

     "Quickly!" Draco whispered. "My father can't know you're here!"

     "Where am I supposed to go?! I certainly can't just apparate away!" Astoria whispered back.

     "Here," Draco said, gently steering Astoria to an armoire.

     Realizing what Draco was suggesting, Astoria shoved Draco off of her. "If you are thinking about shoving me in a closet then you better think again. You're a wizard, for Merlin's sake! Just perform a disillusionment charm!"

     Unfortunately, Lucius Malfoy had already witnessed the entire scene.


     "What is the meaning of this, Draco?" asked Lucius Malfoy. His distasteful eyes were glued to Astoria, who was now having an internalized panic attack. The elder Malfoy strode over to the table, turned to Astoria, and said, "Please excuse us, I must speak with my son." The two men left the room while Astoria sat in her chair, imagining how angry her mother would be.

     As Draco walked with his father to a more private room, he quietly pitied Astoria for being left in the gloomy kitchen. She probably knew that Voldemort had set foot in there, which certainly didn't improve the situation. After a flight of stairs and a turn down the hall, Lucius led his son into a study and closed the door behind them.

     "Who is the girl in my kitchen, Draco?" Draco's father asked quite calmly.

     "Astoria Greengrass."

     "And why is she in my kitchen? Or better yet, why is she in my house?"

     "She is a friend." That wasn't a lie.

     "Is she a pureblood?"


     "Is she a slytherin?"

     "Father, that's enough questions!"

     "You need an heir for this family and you know it!"

     "STOP!" shouted a voice from the doorway. "I won't have you both acting like such fools in this house."

     "Yes Mother," said Draco as he stopped yelling. Lucius looked at the ground.

     Narcissa Malfoy stepped aside to reveal Astoria.

     "Did you hear all of that?" Draco nervously inquired.

     "Yes, all of it." Astoria replied.

     "And she needed to hear it," added Narcissa. "The gurl has to know what she's getting herself into."

     "Mother, she's not-"

     "You've done quite enough, Draco. One thing you can do is escort Astoria home. Her parents must be very worried. We will discuss other details later."

     And with that, the two young people were ushered out of the room.



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