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     "How did my mother find you?" Draco asked Astoria as they walked down the stairs.

     "She must have heard the commotion and come downstairs. She told me to follow her, and you know the rest."

     Draco and Astoria paused at the bottom of the steps. Astoria looked up and told Draco, "I should be going now. I've caused you enough trouble just knowing you for one day. It's probably best we never see each other again." But before she could walk away, Astoria was stopped.

     "I'm sorry." Draco said, still grasping Astoria's arm.

     "Let go of me."

     "No. Listen. I've done you an injustice. For all we know our parents could be arranging a marriage right now. I shouldn't have brought you here. I'm trying to tell you that I am sincerely sorry."

     Astoria was astounded. Slytherins never apologized. They manipulated everyone else into apologizing to them. Astoria contemplated this for a moment. She didn't have any plans for getting married, but she knew her freedom would be taken soon enough.   Even if Astoria did marry Draco, at least she would have a husband she could respect.

     Astoria looked once more into those doleful gray eyes. She nodded slightly. "I can appreciate that, Draco." Astoria turned around and walked out of the manor, Draco's eyes following her all the way out the door.


     "Draco, what do you intend to do with Miss Greengrass?" Narcissa Malfoy had dragged her son back upstairs as soon as Astoria had left.

     "Mother, I'm not getting married anytime soon."

     "Listen to reason, Draco," added Lucius Malfoy. "This family has fallen out of public favor. The least you could do is provide us with an heir."

     "Provide you with an heir," Draco corrected.

     Lucius narrowed his eyes. "The point is, you are the last in the Malfoy line. You must provide us with a legitimate heir."

     Draco looked up. "Legitimate? Are you suggesting that a respectable woman like Miss Greengrass is my mistress that I was trying to hide from you?"

     "How disgusting," Narcissa muttered.

     "A Malfoy's mistress is the last thing we need written in the Daily Prophet. Which is why we have invited Miss Greengrass over for dinner tomorrow night."

     Draco, now standing, raised his voice. "Father, you have no right. She doesn't want to become a trophy wife, and I have no desire to be married."

     Lucius barely reacted. "Well, Draco, you're far too late. We already sent her parents the owl."

     "Her parents," Draco whispered. "Does Astoria even have any say in whether she comes here or not? Or any say about getting married or not?"

     Narcissa stepped in. "Draco, that's irrelevant. "

     "Irrelevant." Draco paced. "No wonder you think her opinion doesn't matter. You only think of her as a walking womb."

     "There is no need to be childish Draco, she is coming whether you like it our not," Lucius said with finality.

     Draco paused at the door. "Yes. You've always made it clear to me that freedom of choice is for children."

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