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     Draco and Astoria fell asleep in each other's arms that night. They woke up to a raucous pounding on the door.

     Astoria sat up immediately, unable to believe that Draco was still sleeping. After she was sure her husband wasn't awake, Astoria stripped off her dirty dress and replaced it with a dark violet dress which she conjured into her closet. After fixing her hair and putting on shoes, Astoria kissed the sleeping Draco and walked downstairs. Daphne Greengrass was stalking through the entrance hall.

     "I thought you'd never come down, little sister."

     "What are you doing here Daphne?"

     "Come now, Astoria, you should be glad to see your sister. What took you so long, anyway? Having too much fun shagging your excessively wealthy husband?"

     "Shut your bloody mouth."

     "Such feistiness! You sound like a Gryfinndor, Astoria. But tell me, what's it like being a Malfoy?"

     "Since when do you care?"

     "Since you've disgraced the family name."

     "You're not even a Greengrass anymore!"

     "But you're still just as much of a brat as you were when you were eleven, little sister."

     "And you, Daphne, are just as shallow as you were when I knew you in school," Draco added as he strolled down the stairs to Astoria's side.

     "I suggest you leave," Draco added. "My wife has had a tiring night and doesn't wish to see anyone, particularly not you."

     Daphne burst out laughing. "Tiring night! Astoria, you really have been shagging him all night. You little slut!"

     Draco had had enough. Drawing his wand, he said, "Get out of my house. Anyone who would call you respectable is just as delusional as you are. My wife is not a slut, and you are a crazy bitch. And if you come in here again I swear you'll wish you had never been born."

     Daphne was appalled. But before she could explode in Draco's face, she disapparated.

     Astoria stalked up to Draco, her face emotionless. "I love you," she said.


     Draco offered his wife his arm. "Shall we?" he asked, motioning towards the kitchen.

     "I'm starving." Once they reached the kitchen, Astoria waved her wand and a breakfast feast assembled before them.

     "Where did all the food come from?" Draco asked.

     "I had it delivered. We can't live on rancid scone ingredients forever."

     Draco laughed. "And just so you know, I was awake."

     Astoria paused, confused. "What do you mean?"

     Draco smiled slyly. "When you thought I was asleep, I was awake. I saw you."

      Astoria blushed tomato red and wolfed down the rest of her food.

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