Compliments of the Malfoys

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     Draco waited anxiously at the gates. He had greatly wronged this woman, who must hate him by now. But after this night, there would be no turning back. Astoria and Draco would be married to each other within a few weeks time and they both knew it. Draco then heard a noise, turned around, and there she was.

     Draco almost didn't recognize her. The long dress she wore was very flattering, not to mention her hair was  at her hanging loose at her waist. Draco had only seen a woman look this beautiful once, on the arm of another man.

     "You look beautiful." Draco had no other words to describe her.

     "Did your mother tell you to say that?" She asked softly.

     Draco walked up to her. "I have manipulated many people, Astoria. You are not and never will be one of them. I meant it when I apologized. I've taken your life from you. I understand if you cannot forgive me, but please, never think again that I would lie to you."

     "Are you that desperate for a companion, Draco Malfoy?"

     "Yes," said Draco, offering his arm. "I am."


     Once again, Astoria found herself in the entrance hall of Malfoy Manor. This time Narcissa Malfoy was there to greet her.

     "Welcome to Malfoy Manor, Miss Greengrass. This way to the dining room," Narcissa beckoned, leading them into a high-ceilinged dining hall. Lucius Malfoy sat at the head of the table.

     "Good evening, Miss Greengrass. How good of you to join us tonight. Perhaps in the future you'll join us more often," Lucius said.

     Astoria knew what was happening and refused to respond with anything other than a curt nod. Draco admired her standing up to his parents.

     Narcissa silently motioned everyone to sit and waved her wand. A feast of roast duck appeared before them. They loaded their plates until Lucius broke the silence.

     "Miss Greengrass, I hope you are pleased with Malfoy Manor. After all, you should be spending quite a bit more time here if all goes well."

     Astoria looked up and kept her face blank. "Yes, Mr. Malfoy." Draco looked at Astoria with a smirk on his face, right before his mother jinxed him under the table.

     Narcissa tried to take a different approach. "If you'll excuse me for asking, are you Draco's age? I must admit you look very young."

     Astoria considered what was seen as a rude question to be quite welcome. "I don't mind Mrs. Malfoy. I'm twenty-one." Astoria turned her face back down to her food and everyone finished the meal.

     Lucius rose, as did everyone else. Narcissa took her husband's arm, as Astoria took Draco's.

     "That was the best performance I've ever seen," Draco whispered in Astoria's ear. "You certainly impressed me."

     "Thank you," Astoria said, smiling for the first time that evening. "I figured your parents needed it."

     "Perhaps Draco could take you to the gardens, Miss Greengrass. It's quite a lovely night," said Narcissa.

     "Yes." said Astoria, making eye contact with Draco. "I would like that very much."

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