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     Astoria awoke and immediately saw Draco asleep beside her. She panicked but calmed down when she realised her clothes were still on. Before Astoria could get out of bed, she saw Draco's eyes staring back at her. He reached out his hand which brushed her face. Astoria moved closer to Draco.

     "I was awake."


     "You carried me up the stairs, put me down in the bed, and kissed me. I was awake."

     "I . . . I care about you, Astoria."

     "As I care about you, Draco."

     "But . . . I would never do anything to you unless you want to. I'll never take it too far until you're ready."

     "Thank you, Draco."

     "Are you sure you know what I was?"

     "Every witch and wizard in Britain knows what you were. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm here now."

     "Astoria, I've done terrible things to get by. In a year or so, our parents will be wanting grandchildren . . .when I was telling you that you didn't have to be a mother, I was was really trying to say that I can't be a father, Astoria."

     Astoria gazed up at him. "Draco, after what happened me, do you think I won't hesitate to have a baby?"

     "No, of course not, but . . .what would I do with a baby? Look what I accidentally did to Katie Bell. Imagine what I could accidentally do to a child."

     "Draco, those days are in the past. You would never hurt our child."

     "I'm afraid, Astoria. Afraid of the man I was. Four days ago I didn't know you existed. Now we're talking about children that I don't think I'll ever be ready for."

     "No couple is ever ready to have children. They learn what it's like. And Draco, I think you could be a wonderful father."

     "Once, when I was sixteen, I cried in the bathroom to Moaning Myrtle because of what I had done."

     "What does that-"

     "I was a monster, Astoria. I still have some of the monster within me. I-"

     "You are not a monster," Astoria whispered in Draco's ear, holding him. "If you were a monster I wouldn't be here. We don't have to have a baby now, or we may never have one, but someday, I think you could get over yourself and agree with me."

     Draco chuckled. "You make this sound as if it isn't so frightening."

     "After what the two of us have been through, it isnt."

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