Something To Gain

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     Seriously doubting what Draco Malfoy just told her, she looked up with a skeptical gaze, saying "Do you?"

     "I assure you," Draco replied, "I do. If you need that much confirmation, do sit down and I'll tell you everything inside your head, Astoria Greengrass."

     That last comment was a bit unsettling, but what could be expected from a former death eater, famous throughout Hogwarts for his malign personality. Astoria knew of his existence, of course, for her sistrr could never stop blabbering at home about all her "good friends," but  Astoria never paid any mind to other Slytherins. They were shallow, just all trying to elevate their own positions, while Astoria stayed quiet, planning her own rise to greatness. Nevertheless, Astoria sat down .

    After a few moments of Draco staring at her, she spoke. "Well?" She asked. "Aren't you going to tell me everything that's in my head?"

     Draco blinked and answered, "I didn't think you would actually sit down. It's nearly lunchtime . . ." he trailed off, glancing at the sun directly above them. "Perhaps if you're so anxious to heat what I have to say would accompany me to get something to eat."

     Astoria thought she might have seen the ghost of a smirk, but shoved the thought away. "Yeah, what do I have to lose?" Astoria answered as she stood up.

     Draco stood with a more sullen expression. "Strange, how you barely hesitate to go to lunch with a former death eater. Or were you not aware?"

     Astoria shifted slightly. "I am quite well aware of what you are. But people as desperately lonely as we are have nothing to lose, but rather something to gain."

     Draco pondered her words slightly, then held his arm out to her. Astoria took it, and they disappeared with a crack.

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