Chapter 1

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(Spring Bonnie, will be the main character in this story so she's going to get the first POV here).

     Spring Bonnie's POV

Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Mangle, my sister Goldie, and me were posing for our Christmas picture.

"Alright, girls! Say, anime!" Our boss Mairusu said.

"Anime!" We said in unisom.

He took our picture. He smiled as he looked at the HD view on the camera of us.

"Very nice, girls! This will make a good Christmas portrait  on our Christmas wall." He said.

Freddy, was shivering as the rest of us girls were cold, posing in our panties.

"That's... Good to hear, boss!" Freddy said as she shivered.

We got our nice, warm, sexy, christmas outfits on we were now warm.

We got our nice, warm, sexy, christmas outfits on we were now warm

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"Alright, girls, listen up!" Mairusu said.

We all turned our attention toward him.

"What is it?" Freddy asked.

"We will be getting a new night guard here, starting on midnight, Monday." He said with his arms crossed.

"Yayyyyy!!!" We all shouted in unisom.

"Bout time we got another night guard!" Freddy said with joy.

"I hope he's cute!" Bonnie said with her hands on her face.

"I can't wait to cook him a big meal!" Chica said as she licked her lips. (I know what that means!)

"I hope he's a good kisser!" Goldie said as she puckered her lips.

"Aye,he be a ladies man I hope he be!" Foxy said.

"I-I hope h-he's really nice." Mangle shyly said.

"He'll be my man for sure!!" I said determined.

"Alright, girls! Let's get one thing clear, here: You all are not supposed to be having sex with the night guard!" He said with a unamused face.

We all widen our eyes.

"What's the harm in romancing the night guard?" Freddy asked.

"Well, you girls aren't human... You don't quite understand that you are playing a little too rough with the night guards." He said with his arms crossed.

"But, we never killed any of them... Except for the last two... But, they were big perverts by the way!" Freddy said a blushing.

Mairusu sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"Pervert or not! They still are innocent, civilians entitled to a fair trial! But, no! You just had to murder them!" He said unpleased.

"Relax, Goldie just teleports the bodies away. They raped poor, innocent, Mangle!" Freddy said as she pointed at a trebling, Mangle.

"I-I was raped by the last two night guards... I tried to tell them to stop, but they just kept on rapeing me until Freddy killed them by suffocating them in her breast." Mangle said shedding a tear.

Mairusu, walked up to her. He put his hand on her back.

"Mangle, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Sometimes bad people get hired, and there's nothing I can do about that." He said as he petted her head which cheered her up a little.

"I hope this night guard will be nicer." Mangle said as she cracked a slight smile.

"Well, this one seems to be a nice one unlike the other one's I interviewed." Mairusu smiled.

"We won't kill him unless he harms, Mangle!" Freddy said.

Mairusu just shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever! Just make sure you don't leave the body on the premises!" He said with a un amused.

"I have more news by the way!" He smiled.

"What is it?!" We all said.

"A big, brand new, convention has just been built in another part of town, and it's scheduled to open New Years Day!" Mairusu smiled.

This got us all excited as we jumped up and down with joy.

"Also, there will be two new animatronics added to the family!" He said.

"You mean we're gonna have two new sisters?" Mangle asked.

"You are right, my dear Mangle!" Mairusu smiled.

"When are we going there!?" Goldie asked.

"Right about... Now! I must deactivate you girls for transport!" He said as he pulled out a special remote control.

He deactivated us one by one... I was the last to be deactivated as I blacked out.    

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