Chapter 3

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           Mitchboe's POV

I was up, all dressed, and ready to head to the new convention for my night guard shift. I grabbed a bag with my iphone charger, and a few cans of RC. I walked out of my house, locking the door on my way out, and got in my truck and started it up. I drove to the convention.

I was now at the convention; it took me ten minutes to get there. I got out of my truck with my bag in my hand, and locked it. I stared in amazement of how big the convention was. It looked as big as Walmart, almost. I walked to the front doors of the convention, and pulled out my keys to unlock the doors. I walked in, and locked them back. The place as so big! But, it was deserted at the moment. Hundreds of people could easily fit in here; that's how huge this place was. The dining room had lots of tables, and chairs fixed to the floor, and a huge show stage was in the front. A huge buffet bar was on the right side of the dining room.

The time was 11:45...

"Better get up stairs to the office." I said to myself.

I walked up the steps to get to my office on the fourth floor; I would've took the elevator, but it was turned off at the moment. I got to the fourth floor, passing a hallway with rooms in it. I walked passed it, and got to my office. My office had hickory, hardwood, floors in it, wood paneling, a huge desk, and a fancy, rolling chair.

I sat down in the chair, putting my bag down on the desk. A PC was setting on the desk setup for a security camera system, and a tablet was right next to it. Then the phone rang, so I answered it.

"Hello, welcome to your new, night guard job here at the all, new, Freddy's Anime Convention." A man's voice spoke in the phone.

"I'm Ronin Solomon, and I made these pre recorded messages to help you get settled in on your first night. I was a former, night guard at the old location... It was a nice place, but this place is incredible compared to the old location... But, enough about that. Let's discuss your duties: You as the night guard, is to watch over the place to make sure nobody breaks in, and steals anything. You will also, be watching over the girls to make sure no harm comes to them. Now, the girls do tend to wonder the place at night as they did at the old location... We have to leave them in their free roam mode, so they will stay all limbered up the next day. Now, the girls like to greet the night guard in a romantic way... That wouldn't sound so bad if they knew they were playing a little too rough with their huge assets... But hey, that would be the best way to go... Right? Well, for tonight you will have to keep a eye out for Bonnie the bunny, and Chica the chicken. The other girls will become more active as the week progresses on. It's a good thing I was promoted to Supervisor over security as I do now have a loving wife, but I hope you're single to keep you from feeling bad about betraying your lover. Now, if Bonnie, or Chica comes to your office just pull down the curtain on the entrance to your office... They'll think the office is just a useless room, but make sure you do it before they get close to the entrance or they'll figure out it's just a trick their not that dumb, you know. Watch your cameras closely, and do not leave your office unless absolutely necessary! Well, I'll call you again tomorrow, take care!" *Beep

The phone call ended, and I flipped through the cameras, and none of the girls were in sight as of yet. I opened a can of RC, and started to play a game on my iphone to kill some time.

     Bonnie's POV

Me, and Chica were in my room talking about the new night guard.

"Do you think the night guard will be in the mood for pizza?" Chica asked.

"I don't know maybe we should ask him." I replied.

"Let's go down stairs to check out the new kitchen to prepare some food for the night guard!" Chica smiled.

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