Chapter 9 Learning How To Use Your New Body

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Springy's POV

"Whoaaaaaa..." Spring Robbie fell on his face.

Springs, groaned as he got up.....Only to fall back down again.

Mari appeared behind Springs and she giggled. I couldn't help but giggle myself.

"Having trouble walking on your own Spring Robbie?" Mari smiled as me and her helped Springs up to his feet.

He looked confused.

"What do you mean......Walk on my own?" He questioned.

"Well Springs since you're a animatronic now, you'll have to learn how to use your new body as you did in your old one." Mari said.

Springs tried to walk again as he was wobbling pretty badly due to still getting used to his new body. He was about to head to the stairs as he really wanted to push himself.

I gasped as he was about to take the first step down the stairs. I dashed over to him and I grabbed him as I knew he would just tumble down the stairs. And believe me, it would really hurt! Even though we're robots, we can still feel pain just like humans can. Why else do they think we can feel pleasure.

Spring Robbie looked at me embarrassed. I giggled and I kissed his cheek.

"I know the perfect way to teach you how to walk." I smiled.

"You do....But how?" He looked at me confused.

"Ohhh.....You'll see after we eat."

I motioned for Mari to come over to us. She smiled and we held onto each other and we were teleported downstairs in the dining room.

The girls seen us holding Spring Robbie up. They grinned at Springs.

"What's the matter with the lad? Has he not got his land luber legs yet?" Foxy smiled.

"I think someone could use some lessons on controlling his new body." Freddy smirked.

"I think we should take baby steps with him to not over do it." Mangle said softly.

"He sure does look pretty sexy!" Chica blushed, looking at Springs muscular body.

"Don't think you can claim my fiance!" I smirked.

All the girls looked at me surprised.

"Aww! That's real sweet Springy!" They all said happy for me and Spring Robbie.

"Let's eat already. I'm hungry." Mari said rubbing her tummy.

Me and Mari helped Springs over to the table and we sat him down. Goldie made him up a plate loaded down with pizza and she handed it to him.

"Here you go Springs!" Goldie smiled.

I noticed Springs was having a bit of trouble grabbing a piece of pizza normally. Everytime he tried to pick up a slice he would squish the pizza and he would just have smushed up ball to eat. I giggled at him.

I grabbed his hand and put a piece of pizza in it.

"Okay hun, just be as gentle as you can when you pick up. Think really easy when picking up your pizza." I smiled.

He gently grabbed another slice of this time holding it I everyone else would, and he ate it.

"Yay!!!" We all cheered for Spring Robbie on how to handle things.

We finished eating our pizza.

"Okay so how are you gonna help me walk?" Springs asked, a staring at me.

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