Mangle Gets Laid

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Mangles POV

Tonight is the night I get to try out Robbie's cock. I was on my way to his room. I knocked on the door. Robbie answered.

"Hello, Mangle." He said.

"Come on in!" Springy said.

Robbie closed the door back. Robbie dropped his shorts. My jaw dropped on how big he was. Springy removed her bra and thongs and I removed my bra and panties.

"L-let's get started then." I shyly said.

Robbie laid on the bed. I got up on the bed and started to drool. I started licking his dick causing him to moan. I put his cock in my mouth once I had it good and wet with my drool. It could barely fit in my mouth. I started sucking and slurping his cock. I only had his tip in my mouth, but Robbie grabbed the back of my head and forced me to go deeper. I nearly gagged with his cock forced deep into my throat. I went up and down on his cock stroking his balls in the process. He moaned from the pleasure I was giving him. He then pulled my head off his dick. He put my mouth on his balls and I started sucking them While I stroked his dick with my fingers. I licked back up to his dick and I put my mouth on his dick and started sucking again. Springy was fingering her pussy and squeezing her left boob. I deep throat Robbie's cock again. He pulled my head up and down making me give him great pleasure. Then I pulled my head up to the tip and he came in my mouth. I nearly choked on his seed.

"Now it's time for me to put my cock in you!" Robbie said.

He put me in the doggy style position. I turned my head around and gave him the shocking look.

"You're gonna put that thing in me!?" I asked nervously.

He smirked at me.

"Yeah...Why do you ask? ...Do you not want to continue with the fun?"

"Can you be gentle?" I asked.

"Nope!" He started shoving his huge cock in my pussy. I started moaning in pain as he started thrusting inside of me.

"Ow! You're hurting me!" I shouted in pain.

"Hang in there Mangle it'll soon go away," Springy said as she continued to finger herself.

It was hurting me to the point where I just wanted to quit.

"Robbie! Can we please stop?!" I pleaded.

"It's just been ten minutes give yourself time to loosen up," Springy said.

Ten minutes have past and all of a sudden I started moaning in a different tone.

"Mmm! Oh my God, this feels amazing!!" I finally loosened up enough for Robbie's cock to go in my pussy better now.

Robbie shoved it in deeper and I was feeling intense pleasure.

"Robbie!! Please don't stop!!"

Robbie went faster and faster. At this point, I was starting to reach my limit.

"Robbie!!! I'm about to cum!!! Hurry up and cum in me!!!"

"We'll cum together!!!" I could tell his cock was melting away as it was pretty hot inside of me. My inner walls were so tight on his cock.

We both moaned very loud as we came at the same time. Robbie pulled out of me and we both laid on the bed breathing heavily. I was satisfied at this point. I was ready to put back on my panties and go. I was about to put back on my panties until Springy stopped me.

"Hold on Mangle! We aren't done here yet!" She smirked.

"It's time for a threesome!" She said.

Springy threw me on the bed. Springy put Robbie's cock in her pussy and Robbie started eating my pussy. I moaned on how good he was doing it.

"Oh my God, this feels so good!!!" I shouted.

"Al yeah!! Robbie don't you dare stop!!" Springy commanded Robbie.

Robbie bounced up and down on Springy while he continued to eat my pussy. I then all a sudden felt myself reaching my limit again.

"Guys!!! I'm about to cum again!!!" I moaned loudly.

"Go ahead and do it Mangle!!! Were almost there too!!! Springy moaned.

I moaned very loudly as I came in Robbie's mouth. Robbie came in Springy and she came at the same time. Robbie pulled out of Springy. We both sighed happily. Robbie then placed his lips on mine and we started kissing passionately. Springy started deep throating his cock while Robbie kissed me. Robbie's lips felt so warm as his tongue was as well. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he started to rub my boobs. Springy was playing with Robbie's balls which caused him to moan. I then suddenly released a hot load of cum and Robbie came in Springy's mouth. Robbie lapped up my cum while I and Springy started to pass out. Springy snuggled up against Robbie and I snuggled his arm. This would be the best time of my life.

Springy's POV

The three of us woke up to the presence of Goldie in our room.

"Breakfast is ready you two," Goldie said.

We both got our clothes on and headed down to the dining room. Everyone was staring at Mangle.

"Aye! How did it go with Robbie's big cannon last night, yar!?" Foxy asked Mangle.

"Wonderful Foxy." Mangle replied.

Foxy eyed Robbie.

"Me thinks we ought to have a foursome tonight!! What do ye say, Springy!?" Foxy asked.

I smiled.

"Sounds like a great idea. Who's gonna join in?" I asked everyone.

"Why don't we all just fuck Robbie tonight?" BB asked.

"Great idea BB!!" Foxy smirked.

"Then it's settled! We all will meet in my room tonight!" I said.

"I can't wait to have that big fat cock of his inside of me," Freddy said.

"I wonder how his cum will taste?" Chica questioned.

"I want his cock in my ass!" Bonnie smirked.

"I'm giving him sloppy kisses tonight!" Mari said.

"Okay. Let's eat! I'm starved!" Robbie said rubbing his belly.

We all started eating our breakfast.

The next chapter will be all the girls fucking Spring Robbie. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Peace out!!

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