Things Get Dark

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There will be rape coming up! Turn back if you don't want to read!

The phone call, ended as the new night guard thought about having some fun with the girls......If you had to guess it, this guy is actually gonna be a big pervert.

He starts looking at the cameras to still see all the girls in their places. He flipped to the Golden Sky Kingdoms camera...And he was eyeing Spring Bonnie. A sinister grin appeared on his face.

"That Golden bunny looks fun to mess with." He said to himself.

Springy's POV

Me and Robbie stood still in our spots on our show stage. We all were wondering how this new night guard was gonna act. Well we're about to find out.

The night guard came into the room and he stared at us with a sinister grin on his face. Oh no...Things are about to get dark! The night guard walked up to the show stage, he looked at Robbie....And he grabbed Robbie's crouch..Oh no! You just fucked yourself, Mr night guard!

"How you like that, asshoe?!" The night guard shouted, smirking at him.

I felt sorry for Robbie, that he was enduring humiliation like that. We couldn't do anything because we were in standby mode and we can't come out of it for about 30 minutes. I watched in horror as Robbie was getting raped against his will.

After about 10 minutes of him rapeing Robbie, he eyed me. Oh no! Now I'm going to get raped!

"Alright, beautiful! Now that I showed that asshoe, husband of yours who's the real boss, I'm gonna show you a real good time in my office...It's too bad you're in standby mode!" He said then laughed.

Oh no...You better not or Robbie will tear you limb from limb! He grabbed me and he carried me to his office. I was so scared at this point...And me helpless.

He threw me down hard...And I mean "hard" on the floor! He pulled my panties down and he rubbed his hands with that sinister grin on his face.

"Time to have some fun!" He said evilly.

Freddy's POV 

I seen the night guard carrying Springy into his office and I could tell, Springy was in trouble. Me and the girls came out of standby mode and I called on the girls to help Springy.

"Girls, we have to help Springy!!!" I shouted.

Goldie dashed out of the repair room, Mari and BB came out of the arcade, Foxy and Mangle came out of their coves. We all joined in together in the center of the dining room.

"Girls, we have to go help Springy!!! Goldie, you go get Spring Robbie!!!" I shouted.

"On it!!!" Goldie took off running.

Spring Robbie's POV

I couldn't believe, that goddamn, night guard just raped me! I came out of my standby mode. Goldie dashed into the room and she seen me with my boxers pulled down.

Goldie gasped.

"Robbie! He....Didn't do what I think the night guard did!?" She said horrified.

She came up to me and she hugged me.

"Yes, I got raped by him!" I said.

"Are you hurt!?" She asked concerned.

Goldie's POV

"Yes! And he's got Springy!" He blunted out.

"That's what I came to tell you!" I said.

Robbie gently pushed me aside. His eyes turned a bright, glowing red, his face was full of rage and he let out a mighty roar. I was terrified at this point. He pulled up his boxers and he charged off the stage and out of the room. 

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