Shadow Part 2

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Spring Robbie's POV

I just saw my best friend and my wife kissing each other! I stormed off, enraged over what I just have seen. I bumped into two girls on my way back to the stage by accident.

"Whoa there, King Robbie!" One of them said. I sighed and said sorry. I stormed off backstage. I peaked through the curtains and I saw Shadow and Springy coming into the area. My blood boiled as I was expecting them to confess their relationship to me. They walked upon the show stage and I quickly turned my head and walked out the backstage door.

Shadow's POV

I entered through the curtain with Springy coming behind me.

"Big Buddy, where are you!?" I happily shouted. I didn't see any sign of him anywhere.

"Babe, Shadow wants to talk to you!!" Springy shouted. Springy sighed.

"I was afraid this would happen. You just wait here, Shadow." Springy smiled, and she walked through the backstage door. I was feeling guilty about what I just have done betraying my best friend like that. I could only hope we could explain to him, and he would forgive us. I peaked out the show stage curtains, watching people dance to the music with their partners. I sat down on the couch, waiting for Springy to return with Robbie. I entertained myself using my moon powers to make some backstage props float.

"Uh hello..." I turned my head to see a white vixen, she was none other than Mangle.

"Why hello, Mangle," I said smiling. She smiled back at me.

"C-can I sit down with you?" She shyly asked. I smiled.

"Come right ahead and sit beside me." She sat down beside me, and we started talking.

With Springy...

Springy's POV

I looked around for Robbie in the backstage's hallway. I hollered his name, but he was nowhere to be seen. I came to two doors at the end of the hall one door leads to the boss's office the other door lead outside. My senses told me to go outside, and I did just that. I saw Robbie standing against a tree I walked over to him and put my arm around him.

"You found me... You came to tell me about you and Shadow's romance...?" He sounded like he was about to cry. I turned his face towards mine.

"No, darling me and Shadow don't have a romantic relationship anymore," I said.

"I saw you and Shadow kiss... How could you betray me after that?" Robbie asked upset.

"Robbie you're the only man I could ever love. Shadow accidentally kissed me when he forgot I was married to you. I pushed him away as soon as he kissed me. Robbie please came with me Shadow wants to talk with you because you two were best friends. I love you and only you." I said. Robbie sighed, then he smiled.

"Okay, Springy... I will go talk to Shadow." He said.

"That's my Robbie." I smiled. Me and Robbie went back inside.

Shadow's POV

Me and Mangle were passionately kissing on the couch.

"Shadow... you're such a good kisser." Mangle said as we kissed.

"I had good practice with Springy," I said.

"I-I love you, Shadow!" Mangle said passionately.

"I love you, Mangle!" I too said passionately. Robbie interrupted our kissing session.

"I see you already have a new girlfriend," Robbie smirked. Me and Mangle stopped our kissing, and we looked at Robbie and Springy.

"So you're not mad at me kissing your wife accidentally?" I asked.

"I was... but not now," Robbie replied. Me and Mangle held hands, and she smiled at Robbie.

"I'm Shadow's new girlfriend! I always wanted to date him. I had feelings for him ever since he worked back at the old convention but he was with Springy at the time but now I finally get to have him in my life forever!" Mangle said so happily.

"I'm really happy for you and Shadow." Springy smiled. Robbie came up to me and gave me a hug.

"Where have you been all these years buddy?" Robbie asked.

"It's a long story but I've been in the past fighting an evil emperor that took over the kingdom I lived in before I time-traveled to the future. I had to fight him again because he used an amulet to resurrect himself, but now I have defeated him for good this time." I smiled. Mangle was blushing and had her hand on her pussy.

"Uh, Shadow... I'm feeling..." She hugged me tightly. I knew what she wanted. I looked at Robbie and Springy.

"I'm going to go spend some time with my new girlfriend. I'll see you guys later." Me and Mangle walked out and went up to her bedroom. Me and Mangle were on her bed. I took off my clothes, and Mangle took off her dress, bra, and panties. We held each other tightly and started kissing like no tomorrow while she started rubbing my cock with her hand. The kiss slowly broke, and Mangle started sucking on my now erect, hard cock. I moaned on how good it felt. She started slurping up and down faster on my cock and I moaned louder. I came in her mouth, and she swallowed my cum. I then took my cock and rubbed her pussy lips, making her moan slightly. I then inserted my dick in her pussy, and she moaned. I licked her big boobs as I moved my hips up and down. I started grinding on her body and she moaned louder. I came in her pussy causing her to moan very loudly. She got in a doggy style position, and I put my still hard cock in her tight pussy. I started going back and forward in her, then I went faster, making her moan as my balls hit her pussy.

"Oh, Shadow!! Shadow go faster rougher!!" She commanded. I went faster with her hot and wet pussy gripping my cock really tightly. I squeezed her boobs, and she moaned very loudly.

"I'm going to cum!!!" Mangle shouted.

"M-me too!!!" I shouted. Mangle came, and I came at the warm feeling of her cum on my cock. Mangle screamed with pleasure. Me and Mangle were breathing really heavily. We kissed.

"Shadow... Will you stay with me forever?" Mangle asked. I smiled.

"Mangle I wouldn't leave you for the world," I replied.

"We're looking for a new night guard you should go apply for the job then we can always be together." She smiled.

"I'd love to," I said.

"You know... Robbie would like to have a night guard that's nice for once." Mangle said.

"Well, he can rest safe because I'm a good guy. I'm going to go apply for that job now!" I said with pride.

"Good luck my love." Mangle said smiling. I got my clothes on and headed down to the office. I wonder if Mairusu would remember me?

This is, unfortunately, going to be the last chapter of this story. This story will continue on in another story. I'm going to get back to working on my other stories. I'll see you all in the next story.

Peace out!!

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