Chapter 4

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Four months later

"Lexy ! Come into my office and shut the door behind you please." I knew she meant business by the frown marks etched between her eyebrows and the way her eyes locked on mine the moment the lock snapped shut on the door. "Sit down and just take notes for a moment. We've got more work than sense coming in and we need to keep on top of all the requests before we drown," she sighed, gazing at the piles of paperwork piled high on every work surface.

"I need you to take on extra work I'm afraid. We've lost Jerry and Adam over the past couple of months and they were my fucking go-to party planner boys. You know I can't replace their contacts and I'm having to turn down work. I need you to step up for a few months until I can recruit some more talent Lexy." The phone rang and she grabbed it, checking out the number. Not recognised.

Carrie hit the answer button: "Morning, Blue Sky Party Planners, how can we help?"

I zoned out for a moment, looking at all the Hollywood A-listers plastered over the walls, some drunk, others half-dressed, at parties Carrie had organised. I was half pleased that she'd asked me to help out, after all I'd only joined the team three months ago. But the other more shy and modest side of me was flustered, panicked and feeling slightly out of its depth.

After leaving LAX and saying my goodbyes to Shannon, I'd hardly had time to think of anything but finding my place in this sprawling city. Now here I was, facing a very steep learning curve.

Carrie's voice brought me back down to earth with a crash. "Grab your purse!. We're off for a coffee and a brief on your first job. You'll need your notebook, pens, pencils and your phone," she said, grabbing her bag while practically running out of the office.

I hurried in her wake, the waft of YSL trailing behind her. It was her trademark and I kinda liked it but not for myself. By the time we made it outside, I could feel the heat from the sidewalk hit me. "Jesus Lexy, we're in the nearest coffee shop out of this bloody heat." Our local was always waiting with a welcome espresso. We sat in a cool and quiet corner, away from the window and its distractions.

"So....." I said. "What's the job you have planned for me?" Our coffees arrived, halting the conversation for a moment, while we both breathed in the aroma and got our first caffeine hit of the day. "Well," I said excitedly. "Let me know what you've got planned." I know she could tell that under the excitement, there was a slight knot of dread building in the pit of my stomach.

"Lexy, you'll be fine for Christ's sake. Relax for once and believe in yourself, will you!" I smiled, cradling my espresso cup in my hands. "You know me Carrie, always worrying that I'll mess up and disappoint you."

"Well shut the fuck up and listen because this is a pretty good one to get your teeth into. And yes ... I'll kill you if you fuck up!" she grinned, looking at the terror in my eyes. "Only joking, but seriously, this is a great party for you to kick off with. Get your pad out and I'll give you the details.

I chewed the end of my pencil as she reeled off a list of things I needed to know:

Jared leto

Laurel Canyon

Hollywood Hills

Military base

Birthday party

A-list guests


Those caps were ordered by Carrie. "We're sworn to secrecy on this one hun, so lips sealed! I've made an appointment for 5pm. Jared will meet you at his home and go through the finer details with you OK?"

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