Chapter 16

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Hope you all enjoy this latest chapter. I love getting your feedback, so please let me know what you think of this latest instalment of the Jared, Shannon and Lexy story xxxx

One week later........

I'm counting down the days to Shannon's party and I can feel a knot of dread building from deep inside. For the past few days I've survived on the bare minimum of sleep, either locked in the office with my head buried deep in accounts or – as I am now – pacing around Jared's home, dealing with all the last minute preparations.

"Stop," I shouted, motioning for the electrician to halt work for a moment. "Those lanterns are for outside not in here." I sighed, wondering when someone would listen to my instructions. "Jared wants the smaller lights decorating the kitchen and this area," I pointed to where we were standing in a vast hangar-like area. I could tell he was pissed, so I rushed off, letting him get on with the job.

Everything was coming together but I could feel the stress building as my phone vibrated constantly with questions, demands and people letting me down at the last minute. I huffed as it vibrated once more but decided to let it go.

Instead, I walked towards the sunlight at the back of the house, letting my bare shoulders brush against the cool white walls. It wasn't hot outside but neither was it cold, just a soothing early morning hint of warmth. I made my way to the poolside, gazing at the water and remembering Jared wrapping his shirt around my shoulders. What did he say about me being his to tame? God the guy had some nerve. A sudden breeze sent a shiver through my body and I turned to reach for a blanket on a nearby chair. I sat there cocooned, lost in my thoughts for a precious moment. My phone vibrated again. "Hell fire," I muttered. "Can't I just have a moment's peace." I had two texts, both from Jared. I cursed myself for ignoring the earlier one.

Jared: How's my party planner? Hope everything's working out. Call me back please.

I felt the blood rise to my cheeks, knowing how he felt when I didn't respond to his messages. I clicked on the second text he'd just sent.

Jared: Good to see you're hard at work babe. You look nice and warm there.

I shot out of the seat, the blanket falling from my shoulders and landing in a heap on the ground. I could feel my cheeks burning and was glad my sunglasses hid my sleep-deprived eyes.

Jared was leaning against the door frame, hair tied up in a messy bun while those blue eyes burned holes through me. His lips curled into a smile and I knew he was revelling in my apparent discomfort.

"How long have you been watching me?" I asked, turning to scoop the blanket off the floor, busying myself folding it, avoiding eye contact.

"Long enough Lexy, long enough. I was worried when you didn't call me back as I asked .... " He pushed himself away from the door and padded over, bare feet on the cold paving slabs. I watched him move gracefully, his muscled body just visible under a tight fitting shirt.

He bent over and picked up the blanket I'd just discarded. "Come over here," he motioned to me, holding out the throw. "I can see goosebumps," he smiled, wrapping it tight around me.

"Jared, thanks but I'm OK," I whispered, snaking my arm out and placing it against his chest. I needed some distance between the two of us. My night with Shannon was still too vivid and my emotional attachment to him was growing as fast as I tried to shut it down. "Let's go inside. I'll make you some tea," I suggested, moving to put some distance between us. I hurried back into the kitchen, the blanket now trailing in my wake. I filled the kettle while opening and closing cupboards trying to find cups and plates to prepare breakfast. This was not in the remit of my job but anything to keep myself at arm's length from him.

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