Chapter 29

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Happy Saturday everyone! Can I just say a big thanks to all of you who leave comments for me on these chapters. They've made me laugh and smile in equal measure. I'm amazed that In Too Deep is ranked #1 in #30stm. Thanks to every one of you who's been reading and voting. Thought I'd pop this chapter out there ready for the weekend. Hope you all enjoy xoxoxo

The drive back was chilled. Shannon introduced me to some new music on his Spotify playlists and I allowed my eyes to close, a smile playing on my lips as I listened to him sing along quietly.

His hand reached over and squeezed my thigh. "You OK babe?"

"Yeah, just keep on singing. I was enjoying. What's that track?" I asked, rubbing the back of his hand, while watching the other steer the car through the lunchtime traffic.

"Wicked Games by the Weeknd. Do you like it?"

"I love it. Now keep singing and watch where you're going," I giggled, removing his hand from my leg.

We drove the rest of the way in relative silence until we arrived back at his place.

The day was warming up nicely for March. Shan braked and pointed his key fob at the pad, the gates sliding open for us to pass through.

"Looks like we've got a visitor," Shannon laughed, parking up. He jumped out and ran over to his brother's beaten up truck.

"Hey bro! Good to see ya!"

I watched as they hugged each other and clowned around. I got out of the car and walked over, feeling a bit like piggy in the middle with these two.

"Hey Lexy," Jared shouted out and beckoned me over, pulling me into their arms.

"So what brings you over here," I smiled, squashed between the two of them. "I thought we were meeting you downtown with your mom?"

"Well, I thought I'd spend some quality time first with you two," he laughed, tickling my ribs and making me squirm.

Shannon broke up the cuddle and unlocked the door. "Who wants a beer?" he shouted over his shoulder, making his way through the house to the kitchen.

By the time we'd caught up, three ice cold bottles were waiting, condensation running off them and pooling on the bar.

"Let's sit outside by the pool," Jared suggested, leading the way, with me and Shannon following. 

"So where've you two been?" he asked, lowering himself on to the outside sofa. He patted the seat next to him, offering me space between him and Shannon.

"Well, first we had breakfast and then I dragged your brother shopping for a dress. I want to try to look good if I'm meeting your mom later."

"You've been dress shopping!" He looked at Shannon, reaching over me to punch his brother's shoulder. 

"Since when has a woman ever got you to look at dresses," he teased.

"Wait until you see her J! You'll soon realise why, I promise," Shannon chuckled, watching me blush at his words.

"Yeah, well you'll both have to wait because I'm going to relax for the next hour," I pointed out before either asked for an impromptu fashion show. I stretched out my legs and sipped the beer as the conversation continued.

From inside, I heard the phone ring. "I'll be back now. Just let me see who's calling." Shannon pulled himself away, leaving me alone with Jared.

There was silence outside once he'd answered the phone. 

I'd been secretly dreading being left alone with Jared. I was still trying to process our earlier phone call. I was a nervous wreck in his presence because I knew damn well what he was capable of. But now it was different again. It must have been hard for him to admit having 'feelings' for me. I know, if the roles were reversed, I'd have equal difficulty articulating how I felt towards him.

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