Chapter 27

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Shannon was waiting up for me when I got back, kettle boiling on the stove ready to make me a cup of tea.

"Very domesticated Shan," I teased, dumping my bag on the floor and planting a kiss on his lips.

"Yeah, well I thought you might need it after visiting Jared. How was he?" He watched for my response.

"You know what. He was really sweet for once," I replied. I wasn't going to keep anything back from him and mentioned my headache and Jared's massage. "Nothing happened, don't worry," I reassured him, noticing a little frown line appear on his brow.

I used my fingertips to smooth it away. "Don't worry will you. We're fine, and me and Jared are fine. What about the two of you though?" I asked.

"Oh, we'll always be OK. We've been through too much together already. This is nothing in comparison to some of the scrapes we've got into," he laughed.

"In that case, make me that cup of tea and let's go and sit down."

We spent the next hour lying on the sofa, wrapped in each other's arms, talking about tomorrow and our plans for his birthday. I was so nervous about meeting his mum, I needed constant reassurance from him that I'd love her.

"Honestly Lexy, calm down will you!" He pushed himself up on his elbow so he was looking down on me. "How could she not possibly fall in love with you? What's the problem?"

I closed my eyes, mentally calculating how many reasons I had for feeling slightly apprehensive. The biggest reason was blindingly obvious.

"Well, how about starting with the fact that I'll be with you and Jared. If that's not bad enough, I'll be making small talk with your mum wondering if she's picking up on any vibes between us three. I'm sure I'll be perfectly relaxed darling," I huffed.

Shannon chuckled watching me squirm at the thought. "You worry too much babe. Come here." He pulled me into his arms and ruffled his fingers through my hair.

He was quiet for a moment, letting me relax into his body as he gently massaged the back of my neck with his thumb. I smiled and let out a little sigh as my muscles relaxed.

"Was it this good with Jared then," he asked, aware of my body melting into his.

"I hadn't thought to compare the two," I teased. "But now you've brought it up, let me think ...." I giggled as he flipped me over, pressing his weight down on top of me.

"If you're having to think my darling, then I'll have to do a lot more to convince you."

He lowered his head until our lips were touching. "Did the two of you talk about me?"

I shifted my hips, aware of his erection straining against his tight fitting jeans. "Is it important Shan? Are you really worried that I'll give in?"

"I was just wondering babe."

"In that case the answer's yes. We did talk about you and I told Jared I loved you and ..." this was the hardest part to admit, "I told him I didn't trust myself alone with him."

I breathed deeply, watching for his reaction. "Shan, I don't trust myself with Jared. At least I'm being honest with both of you. He asked me about the three of us and I told him that was different because I felt protected with you there."

I shook my head in despair, watching a range of emotions play out on his face.

"After what happened, the two of you just confuse me. Can you even imagine how intense it was for me?" I asked, feeling slightly fragile.

I looked away, angry that a tear had spilled out and was running freely down my cheek. I'd let my defences down well and truly. Being brutally honest brought with it a depth of vulnerability that I was struggling to deal with. I was laid bare, emotionally and physically.

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