Chapter 9

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"Give me one reason why I shouldn't fire the fuck out of you Lexy!" Yes, as I guessed Carrie was major league pissed by the time I arrived, five minutes later than agreed and no doubt looking worse for wear.

"I'm sorry Carrie but like I said I have been working ... it's just my phone was on silent and I missed all the calls and messages." I knew this wasn't going to wash. She'd obviously had a liquid lunch and then had to deal with my shitty client and his ridiculous demands.

I wondered the best way of handling the situation. I hadn't had enough time to work out the best plan of action with other things weighing on my mind. I took a deep breath. "Pass all the emails, voice mails and messages and let me deal with the crap." I decided to own the situation. "I made a mistake, so let me sort it all out and you go home."

Carrie stood up, stacking piles of paper next to her laptop and placing pens into a holder on her desk. She looked up, taking in my slightly dishevelled appearance. "Lexy, I don't want to know what's been happening but please don't fuck up this job. I've given you this chance so don't blow it." She pulled on her coat and approached me. "He's not an easy client Lexy. He'll make demands on you, he'll want total control. Just remember he's the boss and you're just the party planner. Do as you're told and please don't let me have to take any more of his pissy phone calls." She smiled when she said that last part. Did this mean I was off the hook?

"I understand Carrie. Have you sent me all the messages, so I can get down to work?

"Yes. Check your emails. They're all there." She looked me over again. "Lexy, get some work done but don't leave it too late. You look like shit." A smile crossed her face as she said that. "One last question before I leave: How did the meeting with Jared go?"

I let out a long breath. The pause must have been a beat too long. "That good was it?" Carrie asked.

"It was full on. I know I've got my work cut out Carrie but I won't fuck up. Promise." With that I gestured with my hand to the door. "Go home for the night and let me get on with this work."

I powered up my laptop, made a coffee and settled down for a night in the office. I dimmed the lights so I could better concentrate on the job at hand. I worked my way through two messages about the night's catering and fired off replies. Champagne was ordered, the DJ booked.

Then I came on to the messages from Jared, each one more urgent that the last.

Jared: Lexy, when you decide and realise who's the boss in this partnership, just call me. The sooner the better. You know my number.

Fuck. The only word that sprang to mind in that moment. I knew Jared would be with Shannon. I also knew he'd be waiting on my call. I decided to message him instead. Play safe and hope he'd call me later.

Lexy: I've just got your messages. I'm in the office working. When you're free, give me a call.

Keep it business-like and simple. No apologies. I wanted him to know I wasn't frightened by his demands. Take charge Lexy, I thought to myself as I pressed send on the message.

Two minutes later, my phoned pinged and the screen lit up.

Jared: So you finally decided to respond. Tell me what you're working on Lexy.

It was unnerving, almost as if I could hear him speaking the words next to me. I hesitated before replying.

Lexy: Sorting out the catering, bar and DJ. Should all be ready for the night. What about you?

Jared: Just hanging out with my brother. I'll let you get on with the work.

Just like that, he was gone. My phone went silent. I gathered my thoughts and carried on for another hour, helped by caffeine and adrenaline.

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