Chapter 7

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The din of the coffee shop faded into the background as I looked at the smile spreading across Shannon's face. "Lexy! What the hell! I can't believe we've met after all this time." He moved his chair around to my table so he was facing me. Our knees were touching and he reached out to take my hand. "How are you?" he asked, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

Despite everything that happened between me and Jared last night - and the heavy workload – I couldn't, much as I tried, hide my delight at seeing Shannon. I squeezed his hand and smiled, remembering our short time together, curled up on the flight to LA.

"Words are failing me for once," I laughed, taking my hand from his and smoothing away a strand of hair that had fallen across his face. "I've been thinking about you... but ....I never thought we'd meet up again. I can't believe we're sat here together," I said, desperately trying not to sound like a love sick schoolgirl.

"Well, we are here, so how about lunch? I'm paying, so don't argue," he said, gently sqeezing my thigh before looking at my table covered with paperwork and my laptop. I held my hands up in despair. I hoped this didn't remind him of my holdall stuffed with rubbish on the plane.

I looked at him, gesturing at my makeshift office spilling over two tables.

"Shannon ...I desperately need food but I'm in the middle of a job that has a ridiculous deadline. I've barely got a moment to spare," I said, pointing at the piles of paper littering the table. "If I don't hit my self-imposed daily targets I'll have my ass kicked by my boss and my client."

He could probably see and feel the stress radiating from my body. I know I could definitely feel it, especially meeting him so suddenly like this."Can we meet up in a few days or something, when I've had time to catch up on the workload?" What I really wanted to say was: Yes let's go and have lunch, then dinner and ......" But I knew time was precious and that I hadn't answered Jared's last text.

"In that case it's compromise time Lexy." He closed my laptop, but I stopped him as he made to gather the paperwork. "No, please don't touch that Shannon," I begged. "I've been sworn to secrecy over this job." I pulled the papers together into a pile and placed them inside my bag.

"But just out of curiosity, what is the compromise?" I laughed, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.

"We get some take-out from Whole Foods around the corner and I'll drive us back to my place. I've got a quiet office in my house where you can work after we eat. How about it?" The look on his face and in his eyes told me there was no backing out. The decision was made for me.

"OK Shannon ... but my part of that compromise is that you sit down for five minutes and order yourself a coffee, while I make a couple of phone calls and send a message. Done deal?" I asked, picking up my phone. "I'll be outside if you need me."

I keyed in Carrie's number. "Carrie? Are you in the office?" Silly question because from the noise in the background she was anywhere other than in the office.

"Lexy hun, I'm having lunch with a client downtown. Can you call me back later darling?

"OK, but just so you know, I'm not in the office either. I'm out and about working on Jared's party, so can we catch up tomorrow?"

"Yes, yes. Speak later." She hung up on me and I wasn't sure how much of the little that I'd said, she'd actually taken in.

I sighed and called Jess in the office. Maybe I'd have more sense there. "Lexy! How's it going?" Jess picked up on first ring. "Where are you?"

"Jess, I've just spoken to Carrie but I'm not too sure she was paying much attention. I'll be out for the rest of the day, so just remind her if she's forgotten. Ummmm ...."I hesitated. Should I tell Jess about meeting Shannon. I decided to leave that for later.

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