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Recap: Chakor isn't accepting Suraj as her mate, yet she takes his help as her Amulet was glowing.

Suraj had left her room, he jumped down into the night and vanished. Chakor closed the window, but she was looking for him, there was strange feeling inside her. Uhm What was wrong with me, why I felt weak and at the same time he strengthens me. Are we really connected or is this all a misunderstanding?

She yawns and scratches her head in confusion. Why he isn't leaving me?

Suraj was roaming around in the night, the amulet was in his claw, he was back in his wooden cottage. He had turned into his human shape and was looking at it. I have heard about it, but I never thought to see it.

Suraj looked at his cottage, he was trying to find something, what he has forgotten for decades. Suraj turned everything upside down and found it.

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Suraj looks at the book, he blows air on it to remove the dust. "This book is so old, I hope to find some answers in it." He opens the book and searched for the right caption.
This is the amulet is so old, but there is no information about it, what is so unique on this, that the clan is behind it. They were ready to risk their identity and to mess with me.

Anger raised inside him, Suraj doesn't belong to any clan, he made it clear for everyone he is a solo wolf and doesn't need a pack with him, yet he has one friend, Ajay.

Suraj looked at the amulet and starts to talk to himself, "it stopped to glow. I can't give it her back, she is in danger as long as she has it around her neck. I will keep it, if someone wants it they have to fight with me."

Suraj put the amulet around his neck, there was a relief inside him, after so many years he was sleeping peacefully on the ground of his cottage. Every single night, he wasn't able to sleep without having a nightmare, but now he could rest. Finally, he found peace.

It was the next morning, all were at the campus. Chakor was looking here and there, she was having an unknown feeling, when she felt a kiss on her cheek she smile, "Suraj!"

She turns and hugs him in her movement, "Hi Chakor, what happen about your thought. I don't believe in the mate thing?"

Chakor glares at him, "I just hugged you because you saved me yesterday and nothing else. Don't overthink about this situation. Tell me did you found out something about the amulet, why it is glowing?" She was looking at him.

Suraj opens the first two buttons of his shirt, Chakor frowns at him, "Suraj what are you doing?" She glares at him in anger and he smirks.

"Look!" He said and Chakor saw him wearing her amulet, the glow was gone.

"Suraj why are you wearing it, give it me back." She forwarded her hand, but Suraj shook his head.

"No Chakor, it's to dangerous if you have it. You can't fight, but I can and as long as I have the possibility I will keep you and the amulet save!" He cups her face, coming closer to her. She closed her eyes and felt a kiss on her forehead. Somehow she felt bad, she was expecting a kiss on her lips, she hits him and left from there.

Suraj smirks and follows her into her class, "Chakor!" He shouts her name as loud as possible, she turns, "what?"

Suraj smiles, "we will meet at the canteen!" He lefts and she sat on her regular bench. Tina was looking at her, "wow he really likes you. I just admire you!"

Chakor rolls her eyes, "Tina please stop this nonsense! We aren't a couple or anything. He is helping with a thing."

Tina got confused. What thing? And why isn't she asking for my help. Huh 😤.

Chakor felt the anger of Tina, but she had other problems werewolves were behind her that too dangerous ones. Not only this her so called soulmate is a werewolf too, determined in calling her his mate. Uff!

The lunch break started and Chakor rushes to the canteen. Suraj was sitting their and waiting for her. She bought the food and sat opposite to him, she starts to eat her food, but also the food from his tray. Suraj was confused, but he let her.

How much can she eat?

Chakor was just eating without looking here and there, just then she coughs. Suraj stood up and pats her back, he made her drink water and starts to scold her in front of everyone, "Chakor if you can't eat then please don't swallow the food. At least try to chew on it."

Chakor pouts, "I'm so hungry and now you are scolding. I hate you."

Suraj smiles, "but I love you...!"

Everyone was silent...

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