The power

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Recap: SuKor met the soul of Aditya

Chakor was looking at the old furniture, "damn I'm a princess of wolf's and look where I have to sleep." She turns around and saw Suraj, who was very tired, his body was aching, he falls on the ground and his body was shaking.

"Suraj!" Chakor shouts in fear, she rushes to him, "Suraj look at me." Chakor cups his face, she was feeling how his face was forming into the wolf shape, she got scared and moves backwards.

There was a small window, she looked for the spirit of her father, but he was gone.

"Papa?" She was confused and scared at the same time, she was looking for something to help him, but there was nothing she could do than watching him in pain.

Chakor was crying, she bend down to him and took his head on her lap, "Shh Suraj." She was trying to console him, to clam him, but it wasn't working.

Suraj body was stretching apart, he wasn't able to control his powers neither his body. Chakor was thinking of Suraj words.

"It's a red moon, this is a bad omen."

Chakor was taking heavy breaths, "no, there is nothing wrong, I won't anything let happen to you." Chakor was looking for something comfortable, she found a pillow and placed it under Suraj had.

Chakor looked for a blanket, but there was nothing, she went to the window and broke out the curtains from the holder, she put it on Suraj bare body and covered him completely.

She was nervous and sweating badly. Her fear was to lose him. She had no idea what is going, "Suraj!" She was shouting and the thunder outside the cottage were to hear. She scared and looked for a safe place, but the only place she knows was he, she bend down and lies next to him.

"I don't know what is wrong with you or where my father has gone, but I won't leave you alone. You hear me? I'm not going to leave you alone." Chakor hugs him, her amulet starts to shine again.

Chakor was looking at it, she looks at Suraj, "maybe it's time to give it to you. It has to help you, I don't care what will happen to me as long as you are with me." Chakor took off her chain and bind it on Suraj neck, she hold him tightly and he was calming.

There was a wind breeze, Chakor hold Suraj even tighter, she closed her eyes in fear and hides her face in his chest. Suraj enclosed her in his arms he covers her fully with his body, his eyes were open and his ears were visible.

Those animalistic ears, which were carefully listening to every noise from the outside, he turns his human face toward the door, his face exchanged to his wolf form.

Chakor first shocked, but then she just looked at him, Suraj was huffing audible, he walks slowly to the door and hide from any attack.

Chakor was looking at him, "what should I do?" She asked and he shook his head, she placed her index finger on her lips, she widen her eyes as she doesn't wanted to do it, but her lips were closed, she couldn't speak or do anything.

The door opens and a wolf came in, he was smelling the ground, "who are you?" The wolf asked and Chakor was silent, the swear drops were visible on her temple.

The wolf was coming near, but Suraj attacked him from the back, he shredded him into pieces and Chakor was looking at him with widen eyes, she felt disgusted and wanted to vomit, but she couldn't do anything.

Suraj was looking at her, "sorry." He said and she was released from his spell, "how you did this?" She asked and he looked at the amulet, "I guess it has given me some powers." He bend his head with hers, "thank you. You saved me."

Their were mending with their heads, when he heard again something.

Chakor was hiding behind him, Suraj was ready to attack again, but it was the spirit of Aditya.

"Are you alright?"

Chakor looked at him, "where were you?" She asked him, he comes closer and lowers his head, "something hold me back. I told you this jungle is magical you can't trust anyone."

Suraj growls loud, "leave!" He shouts and Chakor ran from there. She had no control over herself it was Suraj, who made her run.

"Who are you?" Suraj asked him and the wolf comes near, "I'm Aditya."

"No, you are not Aditya, he is gone. I can feel it I have the power of him. I could feel him before, but he isn't there anymore. Who are you and why did you take his shape?"

The wolf smirks, "so you got the power." He was walking around Suraj and changed his shape to his real form.

Suraj was glaring at him, "the power? Which power are you talking about and I don't like to repeat myself, better you tell me, who you are!" Suraj shouts and the wolf scratches his ear with his paw.

"Relax!" The Wolf said, "I'm the one, who will kill you and get the power of the lost prince Aditya. Then I will be the most powerful wolf."

Suraj shook his head, "you can't beat me. I don't have such powers, they don't belong to me they aren't mine."

The wolf was sitting in front of him, "I'm Karan and the amulet is yours only as long as I will let you live, because you are going to die now."

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