1 Curtain Call

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I peaked around the curtain as I watched people file into the theater, it wasn't my first time performing nor was this performance any more important than those in the past but still a feeling of nervous anticipation bubbled up in my stomach.

"You're freaking yourself out, would you please come here." My best friend said with a light chuckle seeing my wide eyes. I smiled softly and walked over to give her a hug. Penelope always came to my shows, this was her third time seeing Hamilton with the past two weeks although she said it was because she thought the guy playing George Washington was hot.

"I know you're right." I said pulling out of our embrace, I adjusted my costume. "I can't believe you're here again." I said nudging her lightly with a smile. I knew her true reason for always coming to my shows, she was hoping her constant support would make up for my mothers lack thereof.

"What can I say I've got the hots for the forefathers." She said wiggling her eyebrows. The lights flickered. "I've got to take my seat! You're going to be great!" She said hugging me quickly again before racing down the hall.

I walked towards a mirror to make sure every detail was perfect. I was Elizabeth Schuyler, everyone joked the main reason I got it was because we had the same name. Outside of the curtain I could hear a hush fall over the crowd and the orchestra began to play and I knew it was time to leave this world behind. Little did I know how true that frame of mind was. The show was flying by in a flash, it was already the second act, my solo song coming up next. The lights flicker lightly and there was a low rumble I glanced around but no one else seemed bothered by the unusual occurrences. I got in place and in character. Everything was going smoothly and I was feeling fairly proud of myself, the god note was coming up and as I planted my feet and took in a deep breath the note came out marvously. A crash and rumble echoed through the building before an unseen force threw itself against my body. My eyes flew open as I felt my chest fall, the wind being knocked out of me as I fell backwards. The lights above me began to dim and spin before long there was nothing but darkness and the voice of my friend yelling for a doctor.


I ran to my friend who now laid on the ground, eyes closed and barely breathing. I glanced around as audience and actors alike ran to the closes exits.

"Is there a doctor here?!" I tried yelling over the sounds of cries. "Eliza stay with me! Everything is going to be fine!" I yelled shaking her lightly, no response. Her co-star rushed towards us and scooped her up in his arms.

"We need to get out of here!" He yelled over the coming rumbles and cries. We both ran towards the backdoors bursting through them, I could hear sirens coming towards us. We ran towards the front being greeted by emergency servicemen. Eliza was placed on a gurney and rolled into an ambulance. I ran towards the vehicle.

"Are you part of her family?" A women in the back asked me holding up her hand to stop me from climbing in. Tears streamed down my face.

"I'm the closest thing to family she has." I said my voice desperate to not be left behind. The woman nodded and turned her hand to help me into the ambulance. The doors were closed and we were on our way to the hospital. They rushed Eliza into the ER and I was left in the waiting room. The news played in the room softly, there was an accident at S.T.A.R labs which had caused the disruptions. I quickly grabbed my phone clicking the contact. I waited as the phone rang to be left without an answer.

"Hey Cait it's your cousin, I'm watching the news and just hoping you're okay. Please call me back..." I trailed off the air becoming thick. "I can't lose anyone tonight." I whispered as tears leaked from my eyes. I clicked off the phone before dropping into a chair. I waited in that room for what felt like days. It was during the early hours of the next day when a nurse came and explained that they were able to save Eliza, she hadn't woken up and they weren't quite sure if she was going to. The positive news was that any internal damage was on its way to healing. I nodded and the nurse turned to leave.

"Is it possible for me to see her?" I asked the nurse turned back something flashing in her blue eyes as she looked down. She nodded.

"I have to warn you that she looks much worse than she truly is." She said lightly leading me to my friends room. I stood in the doorway staring at the girl who laid softy in the white bed. Her chest, neck, and face covered in deep bruises and cuts. Stitches laid in a line along her sternum. My breath hitched in my throat as my hands were shaking, I walked towards the chair the sat near her bed and sat down holding onto one of her hands.

"You can get through this Lizzy, we get through everything." I said sitting back scanning her injuries before a much needed sleep feel over me.


It had been five months since that fateful night, I had gone to visit Eliza almost everyday telling her about all the gossip she had missed out on. Everyday the doctors would say the same thing,

"Her condition isn't getting worse which is good news." Then they would pause. "But she isn't getting any better, we can't find any reason why..." They would trail off with a twinge of sadness in their eyes but promising they would do whatever they could.

As I arrived in her wing I saw someone I hadn't talked to in months.

"Caitlin?" I questioned eyeing my cousin. She had called me back a few days after the accident explaining that she hadn't been hurt but her fiancé had died in the explosion. Ronnie, he was a good man that didn't deserve to die so soon. She looked up at the mention of her name before giving me a soft smile and meeting me halfway down the hall.

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking towards the room she stood outside of.

"I'm here with work. There was a boy who was terribly affected by the explosion and hasn't woken up from a coma. We are here to hopefully bring him to the lab and bring him back." She explain, a spark of hope erupted in my chest which had been apparent on my face considering Caitlin gave me a confused look.

"My friend is the same way, she hasn't woken up, please you have to help." I said quickly, tears started to build in my eyes with the mention of new hope. Caitlin looked at me then back towards the room, I could see her thinking things through before she nodded. I grabbed her wrist and raced towards Eliza's room. Her bruises had healed for the most part, some of the deeper ones still yellowing her skin and the large majorities of scratches were also healed. Caitlin grabbed a doctor and explain the situation, she nodded and signed off on Caitlin taking the sleeping girl to S.T.A.R. labs. I stayed in the room as Caitlin went to go tell her coworker and boss. She came back after a few minutes and began to transport Eliza to the labs. I followed her into the hall seeing two men pushing another sleeping man who was being followed by two adults. Once in the parking lot Caitlin smiled at me and told me to meet them at the lab. I nodded and started to go towards my car, as I drove tears once again rolled down my cheeks, I was going to get my friend back.

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