2 Rise and Shine

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Another four months had come and gone. The boy they took had woken up last week, Barry Allen, I had been the only one in the room when he had woken up. I yelled for Cisco and Caitlin when the handsome man shot up out of nowhere. They explain what had happened to him and how it was a miracle not only that he was alive but at how his body was reacting. Since then I hadn't left Eliza's side, when she woke up I would be there.

"Still waiting?" Cisco asked as he came into the lab that morning with two breakfast sandwiches and some coffees, handing me one of each.

"I just..." I couldn't find the words. "Why hasn't she woken up yet?" I asked looking up at him and then back to my sleeping friend. Suddenly a large gust of air flew through the building.

"I thought you said I was the only one!" Barry yelled at Harrison Wells. "That there wasn't anyone else like me, that no one else was affected." Barry continued explaining how he had just watched a man die at the hands of, what Caitlin called, a metahuman.

"You're not a hero Barry, you are just a boy who got struck by lighting." Harrison said with a strange warning tone in his voice, Barry's eyes showed how truly crush that statement had left him and in the blink of an eye he was gone. I walked back to Eliza when she suddenly sat up and gasped.

"Caitlin! Cisco! She's awake!" I yelled into the lab, the two running into the room. Eliza's eyes scanned the two strangers and she pulled off the stickers tracking her vitals. She looked at me.

"What is going on here Peggy?" She asked with worry in her eyes as Caitlin checked her ears. Cisco snorted at the nickname my friend had called me.

"You've been in a coma for a little over 9 months. You're in S.TA.R. labs. My cousin and your friend, Penelope, convinced me to bring you here so that we could do more test to hopefully bring you back." Caitlin said calmly, Eliza nodded and slowly started to go up from the bed. She glanced around the room until her eyes landed on the man at the door.

"Nice to finally meet you Elizabeth Canetis." Harrison said with an odd flash in his eyes. Suddenly, Cisco and Caitlin were both going on about the different test that they would need to perform.

"What if she's a meta just like Barry!" Cisco said before eyeing the girl. "Do you think she'll be able to run fast too or will she have some different power? What are the limits of the powers? They probably have something to do with the character of the person or maybe with what the person was doing when the explosion happened. That wouldn't make sense Barry was running when it happened. What were you-" Cisco continued until being cut of be Elizabeth.

"Would you stop talking." She said throwing up her hands. In that instant Cisco's mouth kept moving but no sound came out. His face quickly turing to that of panic as he ran over to Caitlin clearly trying to yell things but yet again no sound came out.

"Well this might be the greatest thing to have come out of this explosion yet." Caitlin said sarcastically with a small smile playing at her lips.

Elizabeth was frozen looking at her hand and the now mute boy. He ran back to her landing on his knees very clearly begging her to undo what she had done. She looked around with wide eyes.

"Um, I'm sorry." She said before awkwardly waving her hand over Cisco, and his voice was back. He gasped and laid on the ground.

"The metahumans are getting weirder." He said before getting up and going towards the desk, Caitlin brought Elizabeth into the infirmary running some test on her.

"Everything seems normal, until I reach your throat." She said making Eliza's body tighten wondering if something was wrong. "It seems as though there is a build up of energy there as well as your occipital lobe, which controls speech." Caitlin continued looking over her notes, hours of testing had past at this point and Barry had just arrived back at the lab after stopping a meta that could control the weather.

"Am I allowed to get up and walk around now?" Eliza questioned giving Caitlin a small hopeful smile, Caitlin nodded in approval. When she left the infirmary her eyes locked with Barry Allen's.


It had been a long day and I had done nothing but let basically a stranger poke at me to test whatever weird ability I had. All I wanted was to walk around and get something to eat, nine months in a coma left a girl starved.

"Hey Cisco wanna go get-" I was cut off when I locked eyes with the green eyed boy. He was standing next to Cisco. Suddenly I was very aware of the fact that I was standing in a S.T.A.R. labs sweatshirt and soft shorts.

"Barry Allen, meet Elizabeth Canetis. She took my voice early and then gave it back." He said introducing us. Barry smiled, and extended his hand out to me.

"Nice to meet you." He said as our hands shook.

"You as well." I said as our hands dropped back to our sides. "So um, as I was saying..." I started back awkwardly. "Does anyone wanna get food, Caitlin wouldn't let me eat incase it would mess with her testing." I said giving the woman who was now walking towards the group a sly smile.

"Yeah I'm starving." Barry said and Cisco agreed.

"I'm sorry Miss Canetis but you can't go anywhere." Harrison said as he entered the room. "I'm sure someone can bring you some food, but you have to stay here."

"Barry leaves all the time why can't Eliza come home?" Penelope said stepping towards the man, I quickly grabbed her wrist. She protected me as best she could from almost everything, she was a classic mom friend and I loved her for that, but something about Harrison made me cautious.

"Her powers are too unstable, Barry simply needs to run but Eliza's are undiscorved yet and her limits are unknown." He continued. I nodded pulling my friend to look at me.

"Hey it's all good, I've been here for nine months, what's a few more days?" I questioned lightly. "Besides, what happens if I do something and can't undo it, we got lucky with Cisco today." I said knowing that I could be a danger to others.

"Well I've got the perfect way to test that out!" Cisco cheered. He had us all follow him into a lower level of the labs, it was clear he had been busy when we entered the room that had punching bags and weights along with toys that made a variety of sounds. He handed me some sort of head band along with a chest strap. "Caitlin will watch your vitals and brain activity as you try to either take sound or give it. Just do whatever comes to mind."

After hours of taking sound away from toys and trading it among that objects I had started to feel like this power was unless.

"So you're telling me that Barry gets to run over 300 miles an hour and I can make a toy baby bark instead of cry?" I asked unentertained holding up the barking baby doll and crying puppy. Harrison chuckled.

"With sound manipulations you could do a variety of things in theory. You could mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement. If you continued to practice you could turn the simple sound of a pen dropping into a force that could knock down a building." He finished with an odd look in his eyes. And with the new found possibilities of my powers I went back to transferring sounds, this time changing how loud or soft they were as well as taking a sound and mimicking it with another toy. Cisco also started with a whole new wave of ideas on how we could train.

Authors Notes:
Hey! These past two chapters have been more of a way to set up the story so sorry if it hasn't been interesting, hopefully the next chapter will not disappoint! As always please comment and lmk any errors or if you're just enjoying the story!

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