14 Date with the Flash

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I woke up that morning and got dressed quickly wanting to make it to S.T.A.R. labs for multiple reason but the biggest one was being able to see Caitlin hug over, something I thought the well put together woman would never allow to happen. I tossed on a pair of baggy jeans with a t-shirt and a flannel before driving off to the labs knowing I could make coffee there. I had gotten there before Barry or Caitlin. I smile played at my lips as I thought about Barry's late night visit, I was sure it was due to drunk Caitlin saying something but at this point I didn't really care. I made coffee for myself and the two men that were already fast a work in the lab, Barry rushed in just as I was about to take a sip causing me to jump.

"Oh my gosh." I breathed out with a chuckle glad I hadn't spilled anything.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Barry said putting his hands up in surrender, I chuckled and he relaxed putting his hands in his pockets.

"Good morning Barry." I said cooly taking a sip of my coffee, he smiled.

"Good morning Eliza." He responded in the same manner before pouring himself a cup. "Caitlin should be getting here soon, wanna go see how she's doing?" I nodded and grabbed another cup of coffee.

"She's gonna need this." I said with a chuckle before we both made our way towards the elevator in silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence just the two of us enjoying one another. The elevator dinged as we approached and soon Caitlin was stepping off in large sunglasses.

"Good morning." Barry said lightly to which Caitlin winced.

"Too loud." She mumbled as she continued to walk. I chuckled.

"Here, this should help." I said handing her the coffee which she gratefully took.

"You, Eliza, are an angel." I chuckled more at her comment as we all walked to the cortex. "I don't remember much from last night."

"Yeah that's probably for the best." Barry whispered and laughed lightly. Before he gently sang out. "Summer Lovin'." To which Caitlin winced again.

"Oh god that I do remember." She said almost in pain. Both Barry and I laughed quietly as we continued to walk. When we entered to cortex the feel of the room shifted as Harrison stared at Cisco would looked like a sad puppy.

"What's wrong?" Barry asked looking between the two. Sudden rushes of worry and panic spread through my body as I thought about the Reverse Flash.

"Cisco has something he would like to tell you." Harrison said turning to the three of us. I didn't say anything, I just simply waited for him to speak.

"Hartley is gone." He said sadly.

"He escaped?" I asked worried about what he could do now that he was free.

"No, I let him out." Cisco said with a clear lump in his throat. "Are you mad, I can't tell with those glasses on." He asked to Caitlin. Barry and I just both looked shocked.

"I'd like to yell and wave my arms but my head hurts too much." She said with a warning tone.

"Why? You know how dangerous he is?" Barry asked now clear that he was becoming angry and worried.

"Hartley said he knew what happened to Ronnie." Cisco said the defeat he felt clear in his voice.

"I told you to let it go. I didn't want you looking into that for me." Caitlin said stepping forward taking off her glasses. 

"I wasn't doing it for you." He said as his emotions started to shake his voice. "I- I sealed Ronnie into the accelerator before it blew. He told me to wait two minutes and- I waited but he didn't come back. And I can't stop think ten, twenty seconds more and Ronnie wouldn't be like he is now. I've wanted to tell you some many times. I'm so sorry." He said now very clearly emotional from the whole ordeal, rightfully so. I glanced over at Caitlin to see her reaction.

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