21 Not Cool

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"This is insane," I said looking at the picture of Barry.

"Not as crazy as who wrote it," Caitlin said causing all eyes to shift to the author.

"Iris West-Allen." Barry breathed out, I felt something in my heart shatter at that moment but I kept it together.

"Mazel Tov?" Cisco said jokingly when a female voice flooded the room.

"Hebrew." It said and the newspaper vanished.

"Is someone in here?" Barry asked looking around.

"Hello?" I asked looking at the walls.

"Hello, Elizabeth Allen." A sudden voice said as a large virtual face appeared where the newspaper once was.

"You know who I am?" I asked stepping closer to the machine.

"Of course. Elizabeth Allen was also known as Blue Banshee, late wife of Barry Allen. Stay at home mother, died A-" The machine started to rattle out facts about my life.

"Okay," I said cutting her off and taking a step back.

"You said, Barry Allen?" Barry asked now stepping forward.

"Yes. Barry Allen, director of Central City Police, CSI division. Also known as the flash founding member of-" Now Barry cut her off.

"What are you?" He asked taking steps closer.

"I'm Gideon, an interactive artificial intelligence." She said simply.

"A1, sick," Cisco said now also walking closer. I couldn't bring myself to find it all interesting. I left the room before hearing anything more about the future, one in which I marry Barry have children, but then die. Before I knew it I was scooped up in Barry's arms along with Cisco and Caitlin as we raced away from the room. He raced us all the way to Joe's house before finally putting us down.

"What the hell was that?" I asked as I got used to going a normal speed again.

"Harrison was coming," Barry explained as he walked into the house I only nodded and followed after him.

Joe came home and lecture us on how stupid it was for us to all go into the time vault, but I honestly wasn't listening. I couldn't bring my gaze any higher than the floor out of fear that my eyes would connect with Barry's, with all this new information I was so confused and worried. I didn't understand how Barry was keeping it all together. I could hear what they were saying but I just couldn't bring myself to be apart of the conversation.

"We need to access Cisco's dream," Barry said finally, he was right we did. But I wasn't going to be able to help in any way with that, that was the science of it all and although I knew a few things about physics I was in no places to theorize how to get into Cisco's dream.

"I need to go home." I mumbled just loud enough for everyone to hear." Without waiting for a response I got up and left, enjoying the walk from Joe's house to my apartment. The team would get the job done, they had to. And in the meantime, I could try to work through all the emotions that filled my body.

I woke up that morning and tried to carry on as usual but the whole day I felt as if I was on autopilot. As I left the theater for the night my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone hoping it wasn't a meta emergency.

"Can you meet us at the CCPD?" Caitlin's voice asked on the other side.

"Yeah, of course, be right there," I said before hanging up and sitting on my bike, taking a deep breath, and putting on my helmet. I arrived in no time and went up the elevator. A few officers walked around put most had gone home for the night, I looked at the ground and walked up the stairs towards Barry's lab where I was met by the man himself along with Joe, Caitlin, and Cisco.

"We'll talk you through everything all you have to do is lay back and dream," Caitlin explained calming Cisco's nerves. As Cisco mumbled about how long it takes him to fall asleep within seconds he was out cold.

"Oh, so that's how you get him to shut up," Joe said with a smile causing me the giggle.

"Good to know," I added on with a small smile, out of the corner of my eye I could see Barry watching me. But soon everyone's attention was back on Cisco.

"Wow, guys. This is mad freaky." He mumbled out a small hint of a laugh was muffled in with his tone.

'Okay, um, where are you?" Barry asked looking at the four confused on what to say.

"Um, in the cortex." He mumbled. "It feels so real." He continued.

"What is the dream you doing?" Barry asked.

"Caitlin just left to take Wells to Jitters." All eyes went to Caitlin who only shrugged.

"Why?" I asked.

"I think he tampered with my work." He replied.

"Alright I'm running a test on the containment system and the data doesn't make sense." He mumbled. "Everything is fully charged. There's no reason the man in yell should have escaped." Cisco continued. "It was just a hologram." We all looked at one another shocked.

"That's crazy," I whispered to the group, I looked up at Barry and our eyes locked for only a moment but the action felt comfortable and made me feel safe.

"Oh god." Cisco's voice called me out of my thoughts. "Wells in here." He said his mumbles turning into clear words that were sharp and scared.

"Remember Cisco it's only a dream," Caitlin reassured him.

"Well, I sure hope so." He said nervously.

"Eobard Thawne." He said slowly spiking Joe's interest.

"Thawne?" He questioned, "Like Eddie Thawne?" He asked confused.

"He's confessing," Cisco said slowly.

"What is he saying?" Barry asked now being the one intrigued.

"He didn't want to kill her, he was mad. Mad you got away." Cisco explained Barry's brow stitched together as his face twisted in pain. Caitlin started to say something about his blood pressure that I couldn't quite hear.

"We need to get him out or he'll have a stroke." She explained turning around, I was quick to move next to him taking his hand and putting my other hand on his shoulder.

"Cisco it's just a dream," I said trying to calm him but his heart kept beating faster.

"Help me." He nearly yelled.

"He can't hurt you," I said as I felt his grip tighten.

"Help me." He now yelled. "Help me!" He yelled again before just yelling out scarred, squeezing my hand till I felt a few cracks. He sat up quickly out of breath, I took a step back.

"Barry," Joe said as the man step backward.

"My mom, this was my fault." He said before taking out his phone and answering it. I looked down at my hand trying to move it but instead felt sharp pains causing me to take a sharp breath in.

"You alright?" Caitlin asked looking over at me as she checked Cisco.

"You've got a strong grip," I said with a smile and a slight laugh as I lifted up my hand that was somewhat crooked.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry." Cisco started quickly but a shook my head and grabbed his shoulder with my good hand.

"I heal fast, you're fine," I said with a smile, it was true I could feel the bones starting the heal already.

"Let me wrap it so they heal correctly," Caitlin said taking my hand gently and starting to wrap it. Barry turned swiftly to face the group.

"Dr. Wells." He said into the phone causing all of us to look up. 

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